stanleycupfinals . com


ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Sep 17, 2010
12 years old EMD.

Might try to sell it instead of building it, any thoughts of its worth?


Well thats disappointing, any ideas what I could do with it then?
Well thats disappointing, any ideas what I could do with it then?

ya, I have an idea of what you can do with it.

Either take the legal risk of selling it to someone else and let them deal with the legal problems later on if they try to do something with it (not advised), or....

Or, you can just let the domain name expire and move on to something that won't potentially give you legal troubles.

Simple as.
Please don't just resell this one... It's uncool to let someone else deal with the potential legal problems.

There is a live trademark on "NHL Stanley Cup Final" so your name stands 0 chance in court IMO