Spritz seems legit...

Interesting. 400 wpm was comfortable for me. 500 wpm workable.

Only concern is that at high speed I might miss a word or two during the time it takes me to blink. Or orgasm.
very, very interesting. would be nice if there was a working demo where you could take content and run it through the app quickly and start reading.
Just tested, normal reading ~180 words per minute

I didnt' have issues with 500 wpm, 400 was more comfortable for me and still doubles my productivity.
Fantastic find and kudos to them for rethinking reading.
Just that speed reading software like this has existed long long before. But then, tablet pcs existed before the ipad.
If this works with normal and longer texts this would be really sick! Especially for someone like me who usually reads very slowly and tends to re-read every second line..
When you guys do Spritz, doesn't it sound like you're spitting the words out in your head or something?

The negatives of this is that you can't simply skim the Table of contents, headings, and whatever else in a book/doc to get the meaning out of it. Like, for so many research papers, I only read the abstract and ToC and conclusion lol.

Also, I wouldn't read a pleasure novel with this either.

Legal docs would be a pain in the ass with Spritz too.

Maybe all its good for is reading eBooks that you bought off of CB since the reading level is pretty low usually.
Yeah this is fucking awesome.

Now you lazy fucks won't have any excuses for not proofreading your "Premium content" before putting it up on your sites.
Meh, it does increase my speed a little, but... if I'm reading anything near important I also need time to digest what I'm reading.

Try 'speed reading' through Ca$hvertising or the art of war and you will have read it, but will you really 'understand' and apply? That type of books I might read at 80 words per minute or less because I have to think, not just read.

For reading the news it is great, still, I'm more about quality/thought process than ego tripping about how many books I've read/how fast I read.
Yeah, I've been nutting over this myself. I just didn't want to be the reposter from Reddit, but this is so legit.

I can't help but think that it's possible to train our WPM up to something significant. Similar to Neo learning how to fly a helicopter, if we could slowly work ourselves up to 2000 WPM (retained)....that'd be some gnar....
Google will buy them within the next year and implement this into android/chrome.