split testing landing pages

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yeah through PPC

like how would I know which one converts better?

You should be able to split test everything, for instance in your campaign you should be able to create 2 ads and two seperate URLs for each ad, so if one clicks on Ad #1 they are brought to site #1 and if on Ad #2 then Site #2, you can keep track even more with visitor tracking installed on your site, that will monitor clicks.

Almost every network your signed up with will monitor clicks for a particular product, you can use a Sub-ID in the URLs on your page and you can give them values, those values can contain the landing site URL or whatever other piece of information you want.

So on each of your sites your links will have seperate Sub-IDs, so site 1 will have an id of landing site 1 and site two will have an id of landing site 2, that way you can determine which site converts the most based upon how many click throughs each site gets.

Check with your affiliate network for a Sub-ID Option you'll usually have to add it in manually and some will show you exactly how, MaxBounty has a nice little manual teaching you how to use Sub-Ids with their system, let me know if you need more help with Sub-IDs.
Just in case you know sweet fuck all about Sub-Ids I'll give you the documentation that MaxBounty provides it could very with different networks but it'll give you some good insight into how it works.

If you were advertising Prize-O-Matic on your site, MaxBounty would give you a tracking link like this:

Example 1 - If you wanted to keep track of any of your members who generated a Prize-O-Matic lead for you, you could put their e-mail addresses in a s1 parameter, like this:
Example 2 - If you wanted to keep track of any of your own affiliates who generated a lead for you, and you also wanted to keep track of how much you'd be paying them, you could put their sub-affiliate ID in the s1 parameter and the rate you'd be paying them in the s2 parameter, like this:
NOTE: If you do not use the s1 OR the s2 parameter, sub-member/sub-affiliate tracking WILL NOT happen.
So instead of using an email address or something you could say "Landing site #1" and on your other site you could change the sub-id to say "Landing Site #2"

haha sorry I keep editing this but another little trick that you can do is give several sub-ids for each site based upon where you've got your links so for instance you've got links on your side bar you can give it an id of something like "landing site 1 - side bar", and then give a bottom link a subid of "landing site 1 - bottom link", this will give you information on where the converting clicks are coming from on each particular site.
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Is the 2nd example if the merchant wants to track individual affiliates?

I don't see why we as the affiliate would put in the payout amount.
Is the 2nd example if the merchant wants to track individual affiliates?

I don't see why we as the affiliate would put in the payout amount.

You misunderstood the example, the example was to say if you as an affiliate were in business with a partner that was under you, you would like to keep track of how much your paying him per lead or per sale..... but the trick to this is that you can put in anything you would like to and have it show up in your MaxBounty tracking.
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You should be able to split test everything, for instance in your campaign you should be able to create 2 ads and two seperate URLs for each ad, so if one clicks on Ad #1 they are brought to site #1 and if on Ad #2 then Site #2, you can keep track even more with visitor tracking installed on your site, that will monitor clicks.

Almost every network your signed up with will monitor clicks for a particular product, you can use a Sub-ID in the URLs on your page and you can give them values, those values can contain the landing site URL or whatever other piece of information you want.

So on each of your sites your links will have seperate Sub-IDs, so site 1 will have an id of landing site 1 and site two will have an id of landing site 2, that way you can determine which site converts the most based upon how many click throughs each site gets.

Check with your affiliate network for a Sub-ID Option you'll usually have to add it in manually and some will show you exactly how, MaxBounty has a nice little manual teaching you how to use Sub-Ids with their system, let me know if you need more help with Sub-IDs.

Wow some money advice man +rep
Is there a php-script of some sorts that will pull up landing pages in 50-50 ratio?
if (rand(0,1) == 0) {
    header("location: bla.html");
else {
    header("location: bla2.html");
That will split 50-50 :)
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