split test landing pages with wordpress pages


New member
Mar 1, 2008
using thesis theme, i created three landing page variants for split testing.

i think what i am trying to do is different than what nicky posted in his blog since i am not tracking blog postings, but blog pages.

p202 forum / profitapolis blog suggest sending all traffic to redirect.php, then to one of the following pages:

$landingpage[1] = ‘lander_a.php’;
$landingpage[2] = ‘lander_b.php’;
$landingpage[3] = ‘lander_c.php’;

can someone tell me if below statements would work instead? not sure if this is even in proper syntax:

$landingpage[1] = 'hxxp://mine.com/this-is-my-lander1'
$landingpage[2] = 'hxxp://mine.com/this-is-my-lander2'
$landingpage[3] = 'hxxp://mine.com/this-is-my-lander3'



Regarding your first link (hxxp://www.dellanave.com/blog/2009/07/15/how-to-split-test-your-wordpress-theme-w-plugin/), I am not concerned with the whole footer.php+tracking issue, but wanted to know if I can substitute php landers with wordpress "pages". ImagesAndWords was kind enough to confirm that this substitution will work.

Regarding your second link (hxxp://www.dellanave.com/blog/2010/03/03/split-testing-with-a-genetic-algorithm/), fascinating stuff! Hope I can utilize this tool to make more money.

thanks again.
