Splash Page vs full site

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On Page#1 Bitches!
Jun 23, 2006
I have a decent site in the making but I am thinking it might be a waste of time.

Should I go with just a splash page and focus on ppc buys to get traffic and purchases?

What has been some of your exp's with splash page vs full sites when selling affiliate stuff?

That's way too general of a question, try putting more details into your question and maybe I can give you a better answer.
I recommend you rethink your "plan" if you even have a plan. Coz your post tells me you haven't really done much research.
a Splash page will probably give you 0 ranking in search engines and even less credebility amongst visitors. So I recommend making a real site with good content. I trying this to, I know it's not easy to make/get good content but in the long run it'll be way more beneficial I think
Splash pages aren't TOO bad if you know how to work it correctly. I find that the best splash pages are the ones where you've announced what your site will be about, as well as offering a newsletter sign up.

This'll help build some buzz and interest, and I'd also suggest a small blog on the splash. Just something to keep people visiting, as opposed to having it die without ever having lived.
well I thought about it mroe and I think a good spalsh page along with a site is going to work as Bryan has suggested :)
You need to be WAY more detailed man, thats like asking, "what is healthier, eggs or protien shakes" It depends
NtodaS said:
a Splash page will probably give you 0 ranking in search engines and even less credebility amongst visitors. So I recommend making a real site with good content. I trying this to, I know it's not easy to make/get good content but in the long run it'll be way more beneficial I think
If your marketing via ppc for the specific site the search engine rankings arent important. Splash pages can work well for things like ringtone offers. Creating full content rich sites for just affiliate marketing via ppc can take to much time when its not really necessary.
A-D said:
If your marketing via ppc for the specific site the search engine rankings arent important. Splash pages can work well for things like ringtone offers. Creating full content rich sites for just affiliate marketing via ppc can take to much time when its not really necessary.

Hmm ok, but how do you know your going to earn more then you spend on advertising?
having a big content site is certainly a good thing... but you can bet that there are many webmasters out there with 1-3 page sites making money with ppc traffic.
Unless this is some form of a design portfolio, I'd avoid the splash page. A splash page is like a speed bump on the way to your site.
I could be wrong but I think he means making a one page landing page for PPC traffic rather than what most of you are considering a traditional splash page for a content site. Big difference.
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