SpeedPPC still a good choice?

Still a solid piece of gear, and still supported as a stand alone app.

Two things bother me though:

1) Their move to an SAAS model would make me think twice if I were signing up now as a new user. No NDA is offered -- I like keeping my campaign data on my machines, even though it's only build, not conversion data.

2) It's great for building out large campaigns, but then you are on your own for mods. Which is why I don't use it anymore.

Do the math: if you are managing PPC and making money, chances are an app like acquisio, searchforce or marin will make more sense in the long run. You can't beat the ability to make wholesale changes on the fly using the same data sets.
speed ppc 5 is coming out soon. the current one still kills it for smaller campaigns on adcenter.

certain stuff about sppc really bothers me though. theres like little changes that have to be made by hand to alot of adgroups etc. its not a perfect tool but its a champ still for running on adcenter. Depending on how much planning and prep you do it can be good for goog.
lol if you have the budget to go with acquisio don't bother with sppc.

message me lets discuss man.
Speed PPC 5 is out there already.

I'm using Marin and SPPC. Started with 4 then version 5 for a week or so...

I don't mind they use cloud storage, you don't have to store your data there, but what is really convenient is to store all your keywords lists, the fact you can access them and build your campaigns from any place/any pc is a great feature for me (I use 3-4 different PCs during normal work day).

I also use Marin (enterprise) and as much as I love the tool, it annoys me even more.
First of all you can't compare it with SPPC5 which is just implementation tool, Marin should be everything, but implementation in Marin gives me frustration.

Also, for those interested I'm finding Marin loosing conversion data (or not triggering conversion pixel properly).

it's still the best tool to manage your campaigns across portfolio of accounts/MCCs/channels and dimension feature is worth like half of the fee itself...

Anyway, back to SPPC5.
Great tool and worth the money, especially they are running some crazy promo for current customers.

It's the only tool, where you can create sophisticated campaigns within several minutes.
Whatever it will spit out, you just take it to Adwords Editor and upload from there.
Yes, way more than 10%, actually, on some websites I can see like only 40% of conversions.

I would not mind having 10% difference between the two as I generate more than 1k conversions per day so I would know what converts, but having less than a half of the conversions I can see in Adwords is bad.

The problem might be related to my websites setup, I use http, https and subdomains here and there, like I trigger click pixel on the LP then 'signup' conversion pixel on another subdomain, however... I'm not 100% sure how Marin's platform work, and the setup was accepted and their staff's helped implemented it.

We also use Site Tagger to manage pixels, tracking codes and 'wahetever' we need to place here and there and I've thought that was a problem but it wasn't the case.

The weird thing is I can see most of the conversions in Marin's conversion log, but there's some missing data, so conversions are not visible in the reports.

I'll molest their support, they have to sort it out for me somehow...
Perhaps I'm missing something but their site only seems to reference SPPC 4.5

That version looks like the desktop version and not the cloud one referenced above. Does anyone have a link to version 5?

Hey, I had a app created a long time ago and never sold it or released it. I'm not promoting it currently but may be looking for a developer to work with me on it again. Basically it does a lot of stuff speed ppc does but a lot more also.

If you want to check it out it's actionkeywords.com, you can make accounts on there for free and test it out. Only thing is you can't save campaigns.

if you're a interested high level developer, and interested in partnering up on a project like this. Hit me up.
Perhaps I'm missing something but their site only seems to reference SPPC 4.5

OK, here you go:




As you can see, SPPC5 is there.

Well, I have to say I'm less interested in if and how they are going to distribute it, but it is available to all current customers. (I believe so)

All I can say there are new updates every couple of days, so they are actively working on it.

Hope that helps.
Yes, I'm a fan.

Now, please remember it's not a PPC management platform, it's research/design and implementation only.

What I do is I use SPPC's output, upload with using Adwords Editor, download it with Marin, then reupload it with Marin (Marin will add its mkwid parameter automatically during this stage).

If you're interested in getting SPPC, I would suggest doing it sooner rather than later as the platform moves to SAAS model so there will be a monthly fee. (you can have it for one off payment right now).

Despite the fact personally I like the software, I don't think it's the right choice for just everyone, also remember it comes at the price (buy 4.5 version first, then pay additional money to avoid future monthly fees).

Hope that helps.
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Thanks for the advice, I got SPPC earlier today.

So I started looking over Marin. Can you explain why Marin is better than just tracking through Adwords? I see they have other tools, but in terms of tracking, do they really offer anything extra?

Is Marin able to monitor keywords in realtime and automatically make adjustments to your bidding based upon predefined metrics (CPS, Conversion, etc.)?

Also, are you using Marin for Facebook advertising? It seems like this would take the place of some of the FB Ad Loaders that are available.
