speed of overseas payments?


New member
Feb 5, 2010
I have a decent chunk of money on its way to me from a company in africa, I'm in the UK.

I gave them all my bank details, international SWIFT routing codes etc and they initiated the transfer a week ago.

This is my first payment like this - can anyone advise me how long these payments normally take?

I need that money like a fat kid needs cake !

This kind of payment depends on the banks involved (as well as the speed of the desk jockeys that are looking after your individual transaction).

I generally find that the bit that takes the longest is the conversion. South Africans can't send pounds or dollars so the banks have to negotiate an exchange rate. Best thing to do is to call your bank and chase it up. You'll probably have to make a few phone calls to get through to the right person to find out exactly where they are with the process - but I generally find that pestering them does tend to speed things up a bit.
I speak with His Royal Highness Prince Teodorin Nguema Obiang regularly. We should be receiving our $3,000,000(THREE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS) any day now.
fucking lol ^^

But also, I don't know if this is usual - but my first overseas wire took 3-4 days, then the second one (from the same place) took 12 hours.

So.. a whole week sounds pretty long to me.
Whenever I've needed 20K+ transferred in a hurry I'd go to my bank (one of the big four) and have them verify funds with the other bank and just release the funds early. It may be due to an existing relationship, not sure...

One thing's for certain, after a week you need to check up on that transfer.
Hmm...In Ukraine on a lot of reglaments of banks it's max - 7 days, usually next business day, sometimes 2-3. But before bitching on bank system you should know exact date of sent, your bank knows only when money will be arrived, not when they were sent.
lol, you have an account already in africa ricdes?

that is essentially the solution i was going to suggest...
when doing business with far-away nations long-term and regularly, at some point it's best to just fly over and open a $1 checking account on your tourist visa. or if that's not possible, arrange for one to be opened on a small weekend return trip.

that way it becomes an hourly matter as far as paid confirmation goes :)
Yeah seriously it can take fucking ages sometimes for some bizarre reason. The most has been 3 weeks when I was living in Australia.

Seems to depend on the links in the chain between your bank and the senders bank. Sometimes payments can just sit there lost in the depths of space for a while.