Speaking of shooting shit - Crysis Demo is out!

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New member
Jun 9, 2007
Its out. Its nice but not as nice as I was hoping. I hope the real game is better. I hope they are sandbagging a bit. The trucks suck at driving, not as fun to drive as the first one. Shooting trees and buildings is cool. Throwing barrels at people is a blast.

I have an AMD X2 4400 Dual CPU,2 gigs, 8800 GTS Nvidia and it says my machine is medium setting. This thing will cause you to think about new computer parts.... Time to start overclocking again.

Crysis Demo Download Live Countdown October 26th 2007 PC EA Games

My computer would curse me to deepest hell if I tried to run this thing... but yea I saw some videos and the game looks ubercool.
I have a similar setup, but with a Core 2 Duo 6420 and the 640mb version of the 8800 GTS. Its fun, but I don't think its worth upgrading my hardware for.
well actually Crysis the real shit goes live Nov 14th from EA Link.
I've been playing call of duty 4 a lot and it is fuckin great. it looks awesome and runs smooth. the crysis demo however, yeah.. .looked terrible and ran like shit. my comp sucks i know but damn.
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