Spanish Offfers Need Spanish Landing Pages

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Marketing Machine
Feb 18, 2007
Miami, FL
Hey advertisers, get a fucking clue. If you are wanting to target a Spanish speaking audience maybe a spanish landing page will help, call me crazy...I'm just sayin. Hispanics are only the largest minority in America and NOBODY has the slightest idea on how to properly market to them.

Feel free to IM me with questions on how to target this market.

Sorry, I had to let off some steam.

haha, i've been saying that for the past 2 years! There are some advertisers that have gotten with the game and are producing spanish LP' naturally, conversions are increasing from my spanish page to their spanish lp...

But there is far to few out there.
We've got a couple of LPs in Spanish... they don't convert all that well in the US actually.
Most of the sales for them are actually coming out of Latin America, and a few from Spain, but the US isn't the major block of purchases by far.
Then again, that's just for our particular niche.

I'm certain for other things, particularly consumer products, fashion and consumables, the US would be a substantially larger market.
I like people like wu-yi source that didn't decide to change their lander to say pounds for the UK. That one little change could make a quite a difference I think. If I was going to buy something I'd really want to know what it was going to cost in dollars vs. say yen.

Just find a local native speaker -- it's only slighty harder in the US than it is in Mexico.

Almost all of my sites have had Spanish variants since 2000. I've worked on a few others but the results in most cases have been iffy at best. A distant second to Spanish translations, at least as far as converting traffic goes, has been Russian.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to go to get content translated into spanish....properly. I wouldn't want some crappy automated translator to screw up good landing page content.

Coming from someone with a half spanish/half american girlfriend who grew up in American School systems in Spain...

DEFINITELY find someone to translate from Spain, not Mexico, or Columbia, etc...
If you're targeting Mexicans/South Americans, get a Mexican or South American to translate. If you're targetting Spaniards, get a Spaniard to translate. The former is probably easiest in the States.

Spanish is about 95% similar in the two areas, but not 100%. There are a few differences in terms of wording/slang/colloquialisms that are worth getting someone local to your target audience to write for you.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to go to get content translated into spanish....properly. I wouldn't want some crappy automated translator to screw up good landing page content.

I'm fluent in Spanish and yes, huge difference in Spanish by geographic location. I started a spanish translation service a while back, but didn't get many orders...i may start it up again should there be a demand...PM me if interested.

The important thing is making sure the translation flows...if you get something directly translated in lose meaning and most likely, it won't make sense.
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