
What spam? Didn't notice any, probably because of all those legit soccer threads,
one word, stopforumspam well it's actually three but I combined it into one
why you outing brah. Who says Xrumer doesnt work anymore. Note to Rage thanks for sharing all the soccer links
Fucking Xrumer bots, waste of time to ban them....Admins or Mods should stop the registration for some time to stop this.
Its easy
Ban the existing bots, stop registration for day or 2 will do.
I like it -> Looks pretty legit!

//Edit: Damnit, my post #100 was the most spammiest I guess. *I like it*
Mods have pretty much let the forum go I think. I bounced for like a year and when I came back the place was newb city and full of spam. Fuckin guy has like 20 threads of spam on the main page of the forum and they're just chilling there.
There have been several waves of the "live streaming" spam. The last one was wiped less than an hour ago, and already the next wave has begun. Hitting the usernames responsible is a short-term solution. Hitting the threads is a short-term solution.

The mods may be trying to figure out how to apply a VB rule (e.g. purge registrations completed within 3 seconds) to curb future waves. And they have to do it while taking care of their businesses and families.
Mods decided that integrating a like button was far more important than doing a 20 second fix that would stop all spam complaints.