Spam The Spammers


Jul 29, 2009
I got this fucking spammer spamming the shit out of a bunch of my webpages ( Kent Cornwall ).. anyone have any good spamy spam locations where I can submit the email address to spam the shit out of the flaming spammer?

I have a bunch of wabpages with solid traffic, when i see a spammer spamming across four or five different topics/webpages I want to have a way to spam his ass so all the time he spent spamming would be a waste,

for all the bad shit I do, I like to do a little good to balance it out a bit...

this is my way of doing it..

Just like:



Not the best course of action; first off, you double the bandwidth consumed by bouncing stuff back or redirecting, so you become part of the problem. second, there's not really a sure way to determine where the mail came from and the majority of sources are innocent parties.

Ever get a shitload of "message undeliverable" mails in a real short period of time, even when you didn't mail anything? Someone or some program out there thinks you are the spammer.

Just stay on top of your filters and blackhole that shit.
Tell us more about your wabpages.

I have BBQ, fabric, reviews, small business, self-help/astrology, capital venture, packaging and containers, wheelchairs, import/export, motorcycles, russian jets... and some more i cant think of
it is not into straight email it is from contact forms with solid back end code, so he is doing it himself or paying Indians to submit it, if i can stop him from spamming like that then it would be a waste of his time and money, thus he will switch to more "proper" channels like affiliate marketing. I guess this is like webmaster policing
besides what would make you think that's actually his email address?

Hello friend,

Turbolapp right. Spammer no use real email address for spam. Can create thousands new address gmail in no more one hour with program.

Good luck bro
Anyone who "whois" info spams our sites I have a script I wrote way back when that submits their email to about 50 different sites that subscribes them to tons crap and gets the on spam lists. I really should make it a service :D
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^ Haha please do. Maybe then Clickbooth would quit spamming the fuck out of me.
Anyone who "whois" info spams our sites I have a script I wrote way back when that submits their email to about 50 different sites that subscribes them to tons crap and gets the on spam lists. I really should make it a service :D

This is the type of comment I was looking for, hey we should start a thing, like SpammerTroopers, "spammers have the Vaseline ready"

on a serous note... we ask for a 5$ donation for spammer insemination

^^ how we make moneys

if you want to start the venture let me know... u do back end I do front end (ha ha that sounded dirty )

pm me