Southern Sundress- Please Review

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New member
Jul 23, 2007
Hey guys,

Would appreciate it if you'd review my sundress site. (Southern Sundress). The goal is for it to be a information resource and guide for sundress fashion, but I'm not sure if I should focus more on the selling aspect (which may drive some people away) or more on the content. Played around with phbpay pro for the ebay listings and amazon store as well. Also, I'm wondering what you think about the design/layout.

Haven't really promoted this much at all, but have gotten some decent stumbleupon traffic for some of the individual articles, but no sales.

Tell me it sucks, tell me what I can do better, tell me it's hopeless---I'm all ears.

Why would somone go to a sundress site that wasn't looking to buy? The content is fine as it may help the organic seo but I don't see why it would turn anyone off that you are focusing on sales as I doubt the average person is looking for the history of a sundress, or whatever...
good point. How's the mix between selling and content? Obviously I'm not selling anything now, so is it the wrong content, messaging, design/layout?
LOL this takes the cake for throw some shit at the wall and see what sticks method of AFF!
unless you're just trying to be a good Samaritan and have no interest in making money, I'd move more items for sell above the fold. Possibly move the "Features" to the bottom of the column to the right of it, then replace the "features column" with more dresses for sale. I would even add a button or image somewhere that says "Buy Sundresses" and have it link straight to a search on amazon or wherever to their Sundress index page.

The design and layout looks fine, but you need to be more interested in your call to action than in the amount of content. Content is only good because Google likes it. If it were up to most marketers, they'd have hardly no content on the page and just get straight to the point. I know its not the same for all products, but in this case, as Turbolapp said, no one gives a shit about the history of sundresses, only a Google representative. The people you care about are the ones that also don't give a shit about the history of sundresses, they only want to know the prices and see your selection. You have to get to the point quickly or you will lose the customers that are in the buying phase.
again, in case i was unclear, I like the site and I think you did a good job, I was just giving some pointers. Good luck.
is this supposed to make money online? follow your passion, dude. and you will not see the money. haha!
The goal is for it to be a information resource and guide for sundress fashion

Which it already is. So once it becomes a info resource and guide for sundress fashion, what's your next goal. I'm curious to know what you want to ultimately do with the site.

Use it as a launching pad for an even bigger site?
Use it to make lots of money (what's the target)?
Create a membership of sundress lovers in the thousands (forum, newsletters)?

Or possibly the site is just a sandbox for you to learn the ropes?
Definitely want to make some money off it. One of my main priorities is to build links so I can get ranked higher in serps. This is basically one of the first sites I'm trying to earn money with. So I need to figure out if there's more potential in developing a community around sundress fashion (work on getting people to come back) or if I should just focus on it being more of just a sales page for sundresses...hopefully I can do both. Maybe work on getting new content or publishing an e-newsletter once a month, with featured sundresses and fashion tips.

I'm not a chick and don't know anything about fashion or sundresses (but I'm learning). Just thought this would be a good niche.
Er... think about the wording some more.

"Features" is a stupid category.

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