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consuming abusers
Aug 6, 2008
Re: articles needed
Below is a PM conversation with some random fellow who hit me up about a job. I was reluctant to use his link, does anybody know this guy? He stopped responding after I told him I was downloading DupeFree software from it's official site. What do you think? (The messages start with his most previous).



buddy i am not saying to download that software for my sake

i gave it to you so that you can check the matching percentage and do the work faster

ankur Quote:
Originally Posted by prologik
I'm good at writing and will have no problem meeting the percentage you're asking for even without the help of the program. I'm still going to download it at though just to bring peace of mind to you. I don't have previous articles to show you but I'd happily do a quick freebie for you, maybe you can pay me for it after I'm done?


Originally Posted by ankur420420

so i think you would write articles at the price i am giving

moreover could you please provide me samples of your previous articles

moreover i need these articles for a specific purpose so i recommend you to download the following software for it

have you heard of the software dupefree

if not then you can download it from here for free

this is a software for comparing two articles and getting their matching %age

you just need to keep the original article and the edited article on the other side and it gives the matching %age

what i basically want is that the matching %age should be 5-6% and for your article it was 54%

so if you attain that % age of 5-6 then i am ready for work with you

if you have any prob with the software then you may ask me


Originally Posted by prologik
Go ahead and count me in, my aim it wtfittschris. I'd be happy to rewrite articles into my own words at the price mentioned, let me know.


Originally Posted by ankur420420

i just saw your article writing services at the foll. thread

i would like to tell you that i am interested in a long time article rewriting project

in this you would be given an article by me and you just have to rewrite it so you wouldn't have to write an article from the start

moreover since this is not exactly article writing so i am ready to give you 10 articles per day on a long time basis for 50 cents for a 400 word article

the price is low because this is only editing and not exactly writing it from scratch


I have nightmares about getting rogue and trojan viruses through clicking random links nowadays, I dunno.
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