Sotomayor Nominee and the Ricci Case - Facts vs. Fiction

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007

This article is about THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF LAW!!!


If you are going to let your personal feelings, come into play, then don't read this.

I'm posting this article because it's written by a LAW PROFESSOR and from what I've been seeing in the news, there are a lot of inaccuracies floating around.

Popeye and friends, please don't bother responding or commenting. If anyone is interested in discussing this I don't care about personal feelings, I just want to forward an article that was sent to me that

You know how an obviously guilty child rapist could get thrown out of court because of double jeopardy??

Well, that's the law!!!


Alot of the stuff mentioned here won't make it to popular press because quite frankly few people are this interested in the cold hard facts. In any case, here is the article and I leave it to others to get a deeper understanding of the issues.


Playing Hardball With Affirmative Action

Ricci v. DeStefano: Playing Hardball with Affirmative Action

Ricci is an important affirmative action case for many reasons, not least of which because it’s become something of a rallying point for white men who can finally release some of the pent-up tension after the election of the first black president (in the Hardball segment, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan suggested that the Republican Party reorganize its image around the white plaintiff in this case). But it’s also got the kind of facts that make well-meaning white folks, and even some blacks, uncomfortable about the parameters of affirmative action.
It seems like a simple case. The New Haven Fire Department conducted an examination for applicants seeking promotion to captain and lieutenant. No black test takers made the cut, so the city, fearing it would run afoul of employment antidiscrimination laws, scuttled the test. To many, this just sounds fundamentally unfair.
But the Ricci case is not that simple. And that’s the problem with conversations about affirmative action. You say “affirmative action,” and people think they know what you’re talking about. They threw out the test? That’s unfair to the white applicants. Why couldn’t the black applicants just pass the test? Who wants a firefighter in a command position who can’t pass the test? Won’t this just stigmatize black firefighters?
What the exchange on Hardball and most discussions about this case show is the danger of talking about affirmative action in the absence of facts. I know that we lawyers tend to muck up good arguments with facts, but facts are important. So here are a few facts you may want to know about the Ricci case before you get into an argument about affirmative action at the water cooler.
First, the issue before the Supreme Court is whether New Haven officials violated the constitutional rights of Frank Ricci, a white firefighter who took and passed the promotion exam, when the city’s Civil Service Board failed to certify the exam. Why did the board refuse to certify it? Questions about the test were raised in part because the company that created the test failed to follow several practices regarded as “standard” among experts providing tests to fire departments. One of those is the submission of the test to a process that determines a relevant cutoff for a passing score. The test developer simply skipped this step. Nor was the test submitted to fire experts in New Haven to ensure its relevance to the particular conditions and realities for firefighters there. Thus, when the racially disparate results from the test differed substantially from the results of previous tests conducted by the New Haven Fire Department, alarm bells went off. The matter was submitted to the Civil Service Board. After hearing from the public and outside experts at five hearings, the board split 2-2 on whether to certify the test (the board’s fifth member, an African American, did not participate in any of the decisions).
Second, this case cannot be examined outside the very powerful historical context of race in urban fire departments in the United States and in this particular fire department in New Haven. As the NAACP Legal Defense Fund argued in its amicus brief to the court, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended in 1972 to include state and municipal governments precisely because of widespread discrimination in public sector employment. Fire departments have been among the most resistant municipal enclaves to integrate. It has been surmised that because firefighters essentially live together in the same space, whites have been especially resistant to integrating this workspace.
Unfortunately, fire departments have been the sites of some of the most odious incidents of racial discrimination. As documented by the LDF, even in supposedly desegregated firehouses in Washington, D.C., in the late 1960s and early ’70s, the beds, dishes and eating utensils of black firefighters in some firehouses were marked “C” for “Colored.” Segregated firehouses were maintained in jurisdictions from San Francisco to Memphis through the 1970s. And this is not just a relic of our past. The effort to address discrimination in fire departments is part of the ongoing work of civil rights organizations and the Department of Justice. In one compelling account, Legal Defense Fund lawyers revealed that in the Cleveland Fire Department, black firefighters were assigned to a battalion that was known as “Monkey Island.” In 2004.
Getting employed at all as a firefighter has been a challenge for black applicants. After the application of Title VII to municipal employers in 1972, blacks were kept from employment as firefighters and promotion to officer positions through changes in prerequisites for employment designed to disproportionately affect blacks; the use of quotas as a bar to black promotion; and, of course, the use of tightly held information about job openings and promotion opportunities.
New Haven has a particular history of discrimination in its fire department. Black firefighters and applicants have successfully sued the department for racial discrimination in hiring or promotion numerous times, most recently in 2004. Although New Haven has made strides in the hiring of black firefighters, the promotion of black officers continues to be a problem. In 2007, although a little over 30 percent of entry-level positions in the department were filled by blacks, African Americans held only 15 percent of supervisory positions.
Thus, the only stigma at issue in this case is the stain on fire departments throughout the U.S. that have treated their firehouses like private, white familial enclaves. That’s why it was so galling to hear Chris Matthews on Hardball defend the use of patronage and family connections in some Irish Catholic communities to maintain a disproportionate access to firefighting jobs not as discrimination but as “tradition.”
It’s no surprise that this case pushes all kinds of buttons. We’ve been trained not to think of affirmative action in this context. Even many black people will denounce affirmative action as having helped only elite and middle-class blacks and white women. They and others ignore that some of the most important affirmative action gains in the history of this country were achieved by lawsuits that challenged racial barriers to employment in police departments, firehouses, and construction and electrical unions. These jobs, traditionally filled by young men, often didn’t require a high school diploma but provided good, well-paid work with benefits. In fact, the requirement of high school diploma was imposed in some jurisdictions only after the passage of Title VII, precisely to keep black applicants out. But access to these jobs are critical for working-class black people and their families. To the extent that there are sizable numbers of blacks in these jobs in many of our cites today is due, in large measure, to successful affirmative action lawsuits or voluntary affirmative action measures.
Many whites are simply ignorant of the shameful history of whites excluding black applicants from municipal employment. Others are beneficiaries of that exclusion and see these jobs as the last stronghold of white control in our cities.
Some simply see this case as being about Frank Ricci and his right to a fair and transparent process for promotion. It’s worth pointing out that even had the test been certified, it’s not certain by any means that Ricci would have received a promotion. The names of those who pass the test are placed on a list that is submitted to the Board of Fire Commissioners. Lieutenants and captains are selected from among the names on the list.
Given all of the departures from standard practices in the creation of the test, and the fact that its results showed racial differentials that were inexplicably more pronounced than in prior years, New Haven’s Civil Service Board was justified in its split decision on certification.....

Sherrilyn A. Ifill is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Law and a civil rights lawyer.

(truncated, you can finish it here)

Ricci v. DeStefano: Playing Hardball with Affirmative Action
(full article - truncated here)

Toward the end the writer gets a little militant/Al Sharpton-esque which is a bit of a TURN OFF.

I'd advise skipping that part and just contemplating the issues surrounding THE LAW that are raised here.

Also, I googled this chick because I am obsessed with gathering accurate information. She seems to have solid credentials:

BA, 1984, Vassar College
JD, 1987, New York University
Popeye and friends, please don't bother responding or commenting. If anyone is interested in discussing this I don't care about personal feelings, I just want to forward an article that was sent to me that ACCURATELY SPELLS OUT THE LAW!!!

Am I reading you correctly? You're not interested replies from any conservative with an opinion.

Ooh well, you tree huggers have fun with your circle jerk.
Is there a conservative here with an opinion? I've never seen one. I used to consider myself a conservative, I know a lot of conservatives, and being a conservative means something ( or at least used to) other than Republican partisanship and baseless attacks on everyone else.

I would consider myself pretty radical these days, which means I am neither conservative or liberal according to whatever the current definitions are. I think Sotomayor is obviously not a supporter of liberty, but that applies equally to Roberts, Alito,etc. Within context, I think the pick has be evaluated based on realistic candidates. Obama would never nominate someone great. Neither did Bush or most presidents. And neither would McCain if he had the chance.

FWIW, Clarence Thomas is my favorite- he seems to have the highest batting average. That doesn't mean I think he's great. He might hit .200 compared to .000 -.100 for some of the others. While he is lumped in with Scalia by many, he has set himself apart on a few important cases- and been a disapointment on others. He is the only one who ever favors individual rights over the statists.

The reality is, you are going to get someone who went to Yale or Harvard, clerked, never had any trial experience or any other life experience in work/business/anything, currently sits on the bench, and most importantly will probably take no consistent principled stands and defer to government powers 99.9% of the time. A safe bet for all Republicrats and Demopublicans. That's about as "diverse" as you will get. Whether its a male, female, gay/straight, white/black/latino, all the potential nominees are pretty much the same people. And they are going to be predictible and all the "controversy" is going to be manufactured over things that are irrelevant.
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Am I reading you correctly? You're not interested replies from any conservative with an opinion.

Ooh well, you tree huggers have fun with your circle jerk.

Perhaps this is why she didn't seek those "opinions." I missed anything about tree-hugging in the article or any opinions related to the subject. I guess I'm not keeping up with the pejoratives. Did "socialist" finally go out of style when conservatives realized the whole pot/kettle aspect of that one?

FWIW, I heard/read that environmentalists are a growing segment of the dying socialist Republican Party. It's going to be a lonely party if you guys keep running off all your friends.
Am I reading you correctly? You're not interested replies from any conservative with an opinion.
Riddar thinks a university degree is a credential in the real world. Or that .org and .edu hosted articles and opinions have more quality than .coms or .nets.

At least she believes in what she is marketing.

I only read her stuff for the giggles.

Is there a conservative here with an opinion? I've never seen one. I used to consider myself a conservative, I know a lot of conservatives, and being a conservative means something ( or at least used to) other than Republican partisanship and baseless attacks on everyone else.

I would consider myself pretty radical these days, which means I am neither conservative or liberal according to whatever the current definitions are. I think Sotomayor is obviously not a supporter of liberty, but that applies equally to Roberts, Alito,etc. Within context, I think the pick has be evaluated based on realistic candidates. Obama would never nominate someone great. Neither did Bush or most presidents. And neither would McCain if he had the chance.

Fucking excellent. I am out of rep but you deserve some.
Okay so I read it.. The first 40% of the article goes over the background of the case and what it's about, the rest of it has nothing to do with the specific case at hand, and is therefore irrelevant.

Here's the bottom line, all of the applicants (black and white) took the same test. If the blacks happened not to pass it, that's their fault. Unless there was foul play like whites given cheat sheets, then Sotomayer's ruling is 100% complete and utter bullshit, and blindingly racist.

She is a terrible pick.
Perhaps this is why she didn't seek those "opinions." I missed anything about tree-hugging in the article or any opinions related to the subject. I guess I'm not keeping up with the pejoratives. Did "socialist" finally go out of style when conservatives realized the whole pot/kettle aspect of that one?

Hi JohnC...
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts rationally, calmly and thoughtfully. The issue I was interested in sharing some ideas on concerns not PERSONAL FEELINGS about affirmative action but 1) the LAW and 2) This woman's actual professional record.

If you managed to actually read any specifics of the case, you'll be as interested in I am in a logical, rational, intellectual understanding of the FACTS of the case not the politically-charged rhetoric that's making alot of noise.

Specifically, what is fact is that the 2nd District Court of Appeals Judges who were in Dissent of the the decison are actually the ones who petitioned the Court to review the case, not the firemen.

Therefore, in light of this, I want to know what specific OBJECTIVE CRITICISMS are there to question this lady's ability to administer CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.

Further, this woman has:
a) a moderate record having been appointed by Bush Senior and Clinton
b) impeccable academic credentials
c) According to LexisNexis, the legal database, a reverse decision rate of 1.3%

If you've got this far you'll see I am interested in logical evidence and numbers and not intellectual silliness or jump impressions not grounded in
fact. I respect opinions grounded in fact, so I'm actually curious to know the specific grevances people may have who aren't pleased with this Supreme Court pick.

For instance you said that, "Obama would never nominate someone great. Neither did Bush or most presidents. And neither would McCain if he had the chance."

I respect your passion about the issue but what people like me are interested in is an ACTUAL DEFINITION of what makes a nomination "great".

Do you look at a candidate's academic credentials?
Do you look at her reverse decision record?
Do you look at her litigation experience?

It's all quite fine for the ill-/un- informed to say silly things like "she is racist I don't like her" and to hurl childish insults but let's face it. Those people aren't exactly going to take the time to objectively evaluate the facts are they?

Imagine a scientist rendering a conclusion before he or she has even tested whether or not there's evidence of the truth of the hypothesis - this is what I'm referring to...

At any rate, best to not suffer fools and wish them well....

But to get back to my point, I think there are legitimate OBJECTIVE, QUANTITATIVE, RATIONAL, LOGICAL reasons for questioning candidates suitability for a job.

What many of us are hungry for - particularly those who value open-minded, emotionally detached logical and thoughtful discussion - are a balanced understand of the issues/facts/actual numbers outside of the mainstream traditional democrat/republican political spin.

I'm all ears and if you have some links to reasonably credible sources, please send them down so I can have a look!
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sonia Sotomayor - Racist Latina Judge

This lady as well as BO and the rest believe that the constitution is a living, breathing document. They believe that the constitution can change to meet the changing social needs of the people.

The founding fathers did not design our constitution to be a living document. We either need to stick to what the founders had in mind for our republic or just whore the whole document out and throw it in the trash.
Can a mod lock/close this thread, all jokes aside?

It's an exercise in futility and a great way to avoid ensuing silliness.


please PM any links at your leisure, definitely interested - TX!
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