sorting keywords into groups?

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New member
May 25, 2007
Ok, quick question.

When you dig up 2,000+ keywords for a campaign you're building, what is the most efficient way to break them into groups/adgroups?

Ideally you want each adgroup to have less than 40-50 keywords. So I was just wondering if there was a easy way to do it?... or should I say easier than looking at an excel spreadsheet and trying to manually sift through all the thousands of keywords and group them into small groups.

I searched around the forums and couldn't come up with much, so it is very likely the only way is the long way, but I figured I would ask since I know many of you guys deal with huge keyword lists all the time.

I saw that google has I feature that half-ass does this in the adwords editor, but it is weaksauce.



i presume you still need to go through every keyword to figure out which group it should be in. Stick a group tag next to it as you go along, create a list, start sorting by group.

Is that what you are asking...?
I've actually been looking for a tool that would break keyphrases into group by common word.

So for example you have the following keyword list:

shiny blue widgets
shiny red widgets
dull blue widgets
dull red widgets
widgets that are blue
widgets that are red

And it would group them like so:

shiny blue widgets
dull blue widgets
widgets that are blue

shiny red widgets
dull red widgets
widgets that are red

Anyone have any suggestions for such a tool(or has the PHP skills to write one) ? It would be super userful.
the adwords editor keyword sorter is actually a nice tool IF your keyword list shares enough distinction among the list to be grouped, else you have a billion single word adgroups.

another option you could do is go through your list and generate an extension and seed list - then use something like DerekBeau's ppc tool (which is still floating around Google if u can find it) to have it all sorted and grouped - or buy speed ppc ...
This is an interesting idea but I'm not sure how well it lends itself to automation. I suppose it depends on what is more of a hassle, thinking up keyword groups of having to edit computer-generated ones that are filled with garbage due the computer's inabillity to filter for context. Either way it's going to be work.

My approach with kw groups has always been to use a thesaurus to come up with basic inpiration for groupings, and go ahead and get something working, then expand it as the profit:work ratio increases. That way I'm only putting real work into stuff that is showing potential. Everything "looks like" it has potential when you're just loading up a big ass list of words. Consider waiting until you've found some good base word/phrases and build out.

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