Somewhere in this forum someone posted something like this

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New member
Apr 27, 2007
With the exercise nazis
I think it was Eli, but after a half hour of searching I give up. Does anyone remember a post saying something to the effect of "get wordpress blogs and blogspot blogs and link from them" ?

AND...if you do remember it, who wrote it?

AND...if you really care, I want to know this answer :

If I set up those blogs to use for the linking benefit, could I set them up using content taken from Google Alerts or does it have to be original content to count?

My question in this thread. :)

I am creating a few WP and Blogspot blogs. I'd like to use Google Alerts content to fill them quickly, then link them to my main site. Will those links count as much as if I used original content on the blogs?
My question in this thread. :)

I am creating a few WP and Blogspot blogs. I'd like to use Google Alerts content to fill them quickly, then link them to my main site. Will those links count as much as if I used original content on the blogs?

Depends on your goals. I have one rule of thumb i stick by. Build links for volume, or build links for relevancy. Since you need both to win in the SERPS there's no point in sacrificing one to enhance the other. If you are building the blogs to build up your link volume, by all means use any content you can get your hands on. If you want more relevant links than try to use targeted content that fits your own. Duping doesn't really matter a whole lot in link building. In fact I got a post coming out about dupe content very soon that may help a bit.

Forget about finding high PR wordpress blog- the technique doesn't work anymore.
Thanks, that answers it for me. I'm going to build the blogs with content related to my main site, because I do want the relevancy along with volume. Google Alerts makes it a lot easier.

Forget about finding high PR wordpress blog- the technique doesn't work anymore.

People keep telling me that, but everytime they say it I can snag a pr2+ blog using the exact technique without any troubles within minutes. Although it definitely has been hit up by spammers very hard since i put up that post, now they are even putting that exact phrase into wordpress blogs and trying to sell ebooks to the people using the technique.

Hell, if your having that much troubles, just put a spin on it rather than discrediting and declaring the whole thing as impossible. Since all the abandoned blogs forward to the /signup page just search for strictly that. They wouldn't be indexed if the blog didn't exist and then get redirected.
Yahoo! Site Explorer
That also dupes all the spammers trying to make money off people using the technique since the post came out.

And that doesn't even take into account just easily building your own high pr blog
Blue Hat SEO-Advanced SEO Tactics » Abandoned Wordpress Accounts Pt. 2
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