Someone Jacked me, Revenge YES/NO?


Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
So i got jacked, adcopy, landing page the usual, i complained and nobody did anything. I saw b4 on here that there is a service in India or somewhere to click other people's ad's should i do it? anyone know the name of the service?

Obviously i'm pissed! WF i need your help :bowdown:

Hello friend,

I think instead of waste time and money for revenge should use time and money for make more money.

Good luck nro
You're complaining because someone copied an LP? Wipe the tears from your vagina and move on.
This issue came up several times during ASW, and it's only going to get worse as long as affiliates and networks know they can get away with it.
It's not that you're powerless, but it's not exactly worth the fight either. That said, your choices range from legal to downright blackhat. There's a lot of things you can do to make their life living hell and I sure as hell won't be posting them on a public forum, but if you're certain you want to go down this route then msg me on aim. Otherwise, lick your wounds and walk away, it's a dirty business but this is how the game is played.
So i got jacked, adcopy, landing page the usual, i complained and nobody did anything. I saw b4 on here that there is a service in India or somewhere to click other people's ad's should i do it? anyone know the name of the service?

Obviously i'm pissed! WF i need your help :bowdown:

Why stop there? Once you get revenge, you might as well hire those same guys to click all the competing ads that are not yours, give it a few weeks and youll be paying 10-20% less for clicks and your competitors will leave the adspace! Hell you know those dirty bastards would stoop to that level too so might as well get an even footing right?

Obviously I am being sarcastic, I hate these people who think that is part of the game and I wish there was a system in place that if you are caught doing this or hiring these people every damn network on the planet would blacklist you but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Ignore it, if you look at the adboard every damn page is the same anyway, everyone rips from everyone else, just improve your landing page more. It's too easy to create one landing page and stick to it for weeks, you should be split testing and switchin up your pages at least every few days anyway and that will keep you ahead of the game in the long run.
Spend all of your time and money getting revenge.

But first, PM me your keywords since you won't be using them anymore.
Not that you want to waste a lot of time on it ...

but maybe a DMCA takedown notice?

Here is a boilerplate one for you
Put some REeaallly good encrypted php that makes it have your links

this, or some kind of strange javascript to do it also. that way if it's a rookie copying the LP, then you still get the sale. it's not worth getting revenge outright.
Javascript is the best option and encrypting could also work. Set it up in a way so when someone copies they are sending visitors through your tracking/cookie. You could always go with the crazy clicking indians but google has pretty much said every click from india is probably bullshit so they are not counting them even if they go through proxies as those IP's are known.
base64 encode your links maybe and then make them a script in the headers and there's probably a lot more you can do