Someone is gaming Google on Ringtones

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New member
Oct 10, 2006
Am I the only one who notices this?

Do a search in google with "ringtones" or "britney spears ringtones" or other related keyword. What you will see is that someone has monopolized the entire first page of results with essentially the same add (they have slightly differing display URLs). This is the exact thing that Google does not want. I have seen this happen at least 3 or 4 times already and I have reported it to Google each time, but it keeps happening.

If you compete in the ringtone niche, please be aware and tell Google is you see this.



Gotta love how Google bitches about small little bullshit Quality Score issues but then lets crap like this slide by for months. Makes them look real good. Way to go Google, way to go.
Am I the only one who notices this?

Do a search in google with "ringtones" or "britney spears ringtones" or other related keyword. What you will see is that someone has monopolized the entire first page of results with essentially the same add (they have slightly differing display URLs). This is the exact thing that Google does not want. I have seen this happen at least 3 or 4 times already and I have reported it to Google each time, but it keeps happening.

If you compete in the ringtone niche, please be aware and tell Google is you see this.



You reported him for what exactly ? Google aren't in business to make things fair for you, they are there to make cold hard cash.

If you don't like it out bid him.
I've seen things like this happen before.. Google isn't even aware what keywords trigger what ads half the time from my conversations with them. Best of Luck
You reported him for what exactly ? Google aren't in business to make things fair for you, they are there to make cold hard cash.

If you don't like it out bid him.
Reporting can be advantageous if you get things through the right channels. Hell, I've gotten competitors' accounts banned for violating too many rules too often (trademark, double-serving, fake URL, multiple accounts to circumvent takedowns - yes, all for the same competitor). If my competition wants to play dirty, so will I.
Reporting can be advantageous if you get things through the right channels. Hell, I've gotten competitors' accounts banned for violating too many rules too often (trademark, double-serving, fake URL, multiple accounts to circumvent takedowns - yes, all for the same competitor). If my competition wants to play dirty, so will I.

Fuck me and this seems like acceptable behavior to you ? Why do you worry so much about your competitor ? If I ever thought some fuck nut did that to me I'd go after them and their sites, hard.
I don't understand wtf is doing google here. This guy makes the same show every week end since like ... 2 months ? Heh google, time to wake up ?
Fuck me and this seems like acceptable behavior to you ? Why do you worry so much about your competitor ? If I ever thought some fuck nut did that to me I'd go after them and their sites, hard.

So following Google's rules is unacceptable behavior, but hacking and committing felonies isn't?
Cry some more. Cry to google. Some guy is fucking owning you, get the fuck out.

I doubt he does dick for sales. Maybe 200 a day max. And he has to buy 1000 vouches to do it. the guy is an idiot, he make could alot more doing it legit, but of course you can't do that with an iq of 70

What you guys don't realise is that google is going to have to change sometihng, and whatever they change could hurt us all.
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