someone goes click happy on a site


New member
Jun 30, 2011
I had 20 views and 12 clicks in about a 10 minute span on a 2 pg mfa site. This site only gets about 40 views a day and maybe 1-3 clicks.

Anything I should do to protect my own butt?

If the clicks were supicious Google will discount them anyway, so you maybe get 2-3 clicks worth your money.

No need to worry tho.
I had 20 views and 12 clicks in about a 10 minute span on a 2 pg mfa site. This site only gets about 40 views a day and maybe 1-3 clicks.

Anything I should do to protect my own butt?

Are you at least paying lip service to the TOS?
Have site map and contact/privacy policy pages.

Not really sure what manual reviews cover.

My content is readable english.