Somebody code this idea


Extreme Ultra VIP
Aug 3, 2008
Maybe there's something like this already... dunno

But I would love an app (could be SaaS, probably even better as a SaaS app) that would look at the link profile of your site (could even suck the data from open site explorer) and then categorize each link so you could build up a backlink profile of your site.

So you would end up with a report saying:

50 links from .gov/.edu
50 links from social media
5000 links from forum profile spam
2 links from blog comments

Recommendation : Cut down on the xrumer and add some blog comments.

Code it. NOW! (and give me 5% royalty. Or at least a free subscription)


So basically,

- get all links pointing to [site]
- go through DB with categories
- categorize links to [site]
- make pretty report
- ???
- profit???


So basically,

- get all links pointing to [site]
- go through DB with categories
- categorize links to [site]
- make pretty report
- ???
- profit???



Did you know that twitter can be broken into:

- Post 160 character status update
- ???

Not saying this is the next twitter, but I think it would be good for people to look at the link profile of their sites to try to balance it out, considering link diversity is supposed to be one of the central tenets of SEO.
have you ever priced out using 3rd party APIs to get that many backlinks to analyze? It's a prohibitively high price to access 10s of thousands of links
honestly having some what of a seo strategy that does not consist of xrumer might be all you need...
have you ever priced out using 3rd party APIs to get that many backlinks to analyze? It's a prohibitively high price to access 10s of thousands of links

true. Maybe have a user pays system for API access after a certain number? or a facility where you can upload a list of URL's that you have received from your link builders, then the system can verify the backlink.

For categorization of site you could use mturk, it would only cost 1 cent per site (probably do it twice as a double check).
true. Maybe have a user pays system for API access after a certain number? or a facility where you can upload a list of URL's that you have received from your link builders, then the system can verify the backlink.

For categorization of site you could use mturk, it would only cost 1 cent per site (probably do it twice as a double check).

yeah, but what if you're verifying a profile with 10,000 forum backlinks from unique domains? that's $100 to verify a bunch of low quality links without any markup at all.

Idk, trust me I think about this all day long. It's a really expensive problem to solve, with dubious ROI in my opinion. If you want some tips on how to make such a system work, feel free to ask and I can do my best to answer ya.
I put this on my todo list. I have some good ideas for it. But I'm busy with other stuff (oh recaptcha recaptcha).
I was never putting down your idea, just clarifying it in my head.

The problem here is that you would need a complete index of the web (google?) or at least a sizeable chunk of it to find all links pointing to your site.

The statistical approach of a "sample" does not hold any water here, I am afraid.

In statistics, (social sciences as an example) if I ask 1000 random people on an issue, they all give an opinion, allowing me to extrapolate, given that the sample is truly random.

If I take even 100'000 random websites, I could still not have one link to your site, thus not allowing me to extrapolate.
