Some things around here... they confuse me..


Large Member
Oct 7, 2011
i just had a couple noob questions about some things you see going on around here...

Why do people buy and sell facebook accounts with ad credit on them? What's the purpose of having multiple accounts and how has that driven the buying/selling of said accounts into a commodity?

What's "OP" stand for?

When people say they have PR5, PR6 sites, etc... I assume that means Page Rank 5,6, etc... I also assume that's Google we're talking about and it's the position on the front page of google for a given keyphrase... amirite? in BST then is it fair to ask these chaps what keyphrase said site is ranked for or does it really matter? After purchasing a link how would you verify the pagerank?

What's a "MFA"

I almost hate to ask this one... what's an "Authority Site"? I reckon I have an idea, but I'd like to hear it spelled out

/end flamebait

OP = Original Poster aka The person who started the thread and made the first post.

PR = Page Rank and does not mean the position in the front page but the Page Rank. Look it up.

MFA = Made for Advertisement and generally means thin 5 page sites full of ads, etc. Usually connotates something not being quality. Some people will start an argument that everything is made for advertisement by SEO's but don't bite that hook, even if its true. It's all semantics. MFA means bullshit sites that would get slapped out of the serps.

Authority site is the opposite of MFA. In general people talk about it as having plenty of pages. 30+. 100 even. 1000 even. But definitely not a one-pager, and definitely not a five pager. It offers real quality in the niche and users return to the site based on it's merits. It's worth looking at.
OP = Original Poster aka The person who started the thread and made the first post.

PR = Page Rank and does not mean the position in the front page but the Page Rank. Look it up.

MFA = Made for Advertisement and generally means thin 5 page sites full of ads, etc. Usually connotates something not being quality. Some people will start an argument that everything is made for advertisement by SEO's but don't bite that hook, even if its true. It's all semantics. MFA means bullshit sites that would get slapped out of the serps.

Authority site is the opposite of MFA. In general people talk about it as having plenty of pages. 30+. 100 even. 1000 even. But definitely not a one-pager, and definitely not a five pager. It offers real quality in the niche and users return to the site based on it's merits. It's worth looking at.

+1 for taking the time.
Facebook gives $50 in free advertising credits.

So I assume they are selling the accounts with the unspent $50 free advertizing credit.


Since facebook limits your daily ad spend on new accounts then i've had people sell accounts that had those restrictions removed.

So lets say you had an account with a $2000/day limit that gets banned.

You need to get another account that has that $2000/day limit without having to 'age' one up from the original $200/day limit... you buy one that is already established with the limit already increased.

My guess is that way you can run some shady shit at volume and when it gets banned... nbd.
Facebook gives $50 in free advertising credits.

So I assume they are selling the accounts with the unspent $50 free advertizing credit.


Since facebook limits your daily ad spend on new accounts then i've had people sell accounts that had those restrictions removed.

So lets say you had an account with a $2000/day limit that gets banned.

You need to get another account that has that $2000/day limit without having to 'age' one up from the original $200/day limit... you buy one that is already established with the limit already increased.

My guess is that way you can run some shady shit at volume and when it gets banned... nbd.

Thanks for the insight
I too am curious about this. Can any please elaborate with more detail please?

If you were running a FB campaign with a steady 10% ROI, and spending $1k daily on clicks, you'd be profiting $100/day. At that point, scaling the campaign up becomes an issue, because if you could find a way to spend 10k a day on clicks, and your ROI held, you'd be profiting $1k daily. For successful FB marketers, high-limit FB advertising accounts are essential for scaling campaigns. Also, from what I understand, FB can be a little ban-happy as far as advertising accounts go. Which would be another reason to buy extra accounts.
There should be an acronym directory to help people out. I had one at the end of one of my products and people loved it!

...or at least a sticky thread with all acronyms!
There should be an acronym directory to help people out. I had one at the end of one of my products and people loved it!

...or at least a sticky thread with all acronyms!

I think it's not a bad idea, although having to make my own searches for the definitions of abbreviations/terms exposed me all sorts of other valuable articles/blogs etc...lots of garbage too though...
may i ask how do i private message a person? i do not have this option in my profile and i have added a friend.