Some sucess, but need some advice... I think

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newbie taking action
Nov 3, 2008
So, I found WickedFire about 5 months ago. I came as a complete newb, but I have had some success.

In the past 5 months I have created 5 sites selling CB products, and two sites for adsense. All sites are based on WP platforms.

So far, since Dec., I have made about $200 in affiliate commissions, and $50 in adsense. I did this with article marketing and good ole SEO. My problem is I want to make more monies on the interwebz..

I feel that I am missing something. I got a lot of help in this forum, but there seems to be a hump that I cant get over in order to get to the $1000 a month point <~~ Which was my goal by the end of March. EPIC FAIL, I guess.

What am I missing?
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Clickbank products? I'd stay away from those and move to other types of offers.

As to why your sites aren't making more, it could be a number of factors. Traffic, poorly converting pages, etc..

You might not be getting enough highly targeted traffic for your product, perhaps you need to build more backlinks for the keyword you're targeting.

Another possibility is that your landing pages might not be optimized well enough. Are you testing them?

Lastly, making any money online is a good start. If you're doing SEO, it can be a gradual process that generally goes up if you stay at it. You just need to refine, refine, refine..
When you say other offers, are you suggesting CPA or different affiliate products?
I also sold clickbank products and used adsense and my earnings literally jumped 100x once I got into PPC. Take those profits and start testing paid traffic.
Oh and I wouldn't consider it an epic fail, just a fail. But at least you're making money. That's more than most people can say.

Yea for real

You're making money dude, not as much as you want but thats just a question of scale.
I also sold clickbank products and used adsense and my earnings literally jumped 100x once I got into PPC. Take those profits and start testing paid traffic.

Yea, I havent tried PPC. Well, I tried it about a year ago, but didnt have any sales from it.

If I ditch the CB products, what type of products should I look at promoting. I dont think I can drive enough traffic with article marketing to really make any money with CPA offers. Am I correct about this?
Yea, I havent tried PPC. Well, I tried it about a year ago, but didnt have any sales from it.

If I ditch the CB products, what type of products should I look at promoting. I dont think I can drive enough traffic with article marketing to really make any money with CPA offers. Am I correct about this?

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