Some Not-so-N00b Questions from a newbie


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Hi here goes my first thread in this forum.

I started my first adwords campaign 2 days back and so far I've got 7 sales which is kinda exciting since I started with PPC marketing for the first time. Although it has certainly drained money and the conversion rate sucks...but I have started to optimize it and here are my questions related to it.

1. What is the best tool to track and analyze your campaign ? I have decided to use affiliate prophet and I was wondering which tool is the most popular among users here.

2. I gotta change my adwords destination url since I made a mistake of using static .html landing pages and now I need to convert them to php. The only change I need to make is replacing .htm with .php at the url end. Now, I know Google erases the history when one changes destination urls but I was wondering if it would do that even if I make such a slight change as changing .htm to .php. What do u say ? Anyone among u have tried that before..I mean the exact same change ?

3. I have started with a clickbank product. I would love to go with a decent CPA network but the thing is I am in India and many networks like Azoogle ads, neverblue ads etc don't accept us. So what are the good networks international affiliates could opt for ?

Waiting for your suggestions.

1. The best tool, is what works for you. Honestly, there are different ways of measuring success. I'm using piwik, google optimizer, and Prosper202, along with spreadsheets (if these wern't manual, it's really what I'd use).

2. Yes. the history gets erased before you make the change. You select to change an ad, and a yellow box pops up. click accept to change, and it will erase right there. Instead, considering remaking the ad, with the changes you want. Take the old version, and lower the bid to .01 or something so it won't play. ( I don't pause)

3. International affiliates. I can't help with that.
1. The best tool, is what works for you. Honestly, there are different ways of measuring success. I'm using piwik, google optimizer, and Prosper202, along with spreadsheets (if these wern't manual, it's really what I'd use).

2. Yes. the history gets erased before you make the change. You select to change an ad, and a yellow box pops up. click accept to change, and it will erase right there. Instead, considering remaking the ad, with the changes you want. Take the old version, and lower the bid to .01 or something so it won't play. ( I don't pause)

3. International affiliates. I can't help with that.

Is piwik better than Google Analytics ? Been hearing a lot about it recently. And is not pausing the ads better ? I was actually considering pausing them since I thought that's the only way out.
We can accept affiliates from India on a case by case basis. PM is you're having troubles getting on.
For international affiliates get a US mailbox at
and a skype #

I just remembered I came across this thing on Justin Dupre's blog. However, later when I did some research, I found that it had some terrible reviews. But thanks for reminding about it. I will check it out again.

We can accept affiliates from India on a case by case basis. PM is you're having troubles getting on.

Ok. Would you consider a newbie affiliate or I should launch 3-4 more campaigns before applying ?

What he said. Add this line to your .htaccess file, and you can do your php inside of a .htm file.

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm