Some men bring greatness into the world


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Live, Without A DJ
I saw Ravi and Anoushka play together 10 years ago and it is still one of the best performances I've ever witnessed. Anoushka broke a string, which I guess takes awhile to replace on a sitar, and Ravi just started giving a lesson on percussion with out missing a beat or breaking a sweat. He started lecturing about music and having the tabla players demonstrate. I left the Kimmel Center smiling ear to ear.

Sometimes talk about things like serenity and presence is shallow, because the authentic experience of spiritual depth is rare... Even in a room with 2500 people you could feel Ravi in the room and know you were in the presence of greatness. I guess that's what happens after years of dedication and spiritual discipline.

I won't hope to be half the man Ravi was. I'll be lucky to have even a speck of that kind of mastery in my life. I regret not seeking him out while he was alive. It would have been incredible to hear his music live one more time and to give him a hug and thank him for his immense contribution to the world. I'm grateful that I was even in the same room as him once and I'm grateful to live in a world create beautiful music and beautiful lives.

[ame=]Ravi & Anoushka Shankar - Raga Anandi Kalyan - YouTube[/ame]
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The sounds of those instruments carry so much more flair and twang than anything we have.

It's like a banjo with a mullet.
I love this type of music. Heard it the 1st time when I was doing yoga. I should start to listen to it more. Very soothing for the mind.
[ame=]Mike Myers "The Joker" from The Love Guru Soundtrack Album - YouTube[/ame]

1:05 - Jessica Alba