Some Marketing Flyer Concepts

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Jul 30, 2006
Houston, TX
what do you all think? :food-smiley-010:



I got more designs if you are interested, I can post'em all.

I would widen the tracking on the text; its squished together a bit too much on both images, making it harder to read. Also may be put the at the top of the baby one, and the phrase below to help the flow of it. My eyes go straight to the face, and flow to the logo rather than reading the phrase first.

Otherwise, nice job.
ChildeRoland said:
I'd get a baby that's maybe 4-6 months old instead. That one looks a little gross. I love babies and all, but damn. That's one ugly baby.

Seconded. I really like the look of the second though.
Good hook on the first one, but the picture gives me a really creepy vibe. Maybe change the picture to something different? Something with plants springs to mind since it mentions growing.

The second one I really like. Only suggestion for that one is space out the text a bit more.
The fish ad has the best art direction. The visual expands the meaning of the headline - goal of brand indentity = standing out.

The old women concept would be cool if she had purple hair, no hat - more edgy. Photoshop it. :)
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