Some free before/after shots for your weight loss campaigns...


New member
Jun 12, 2009

ewww dude what the fuck:party-smiley-004: get the fuck out of here

How about you down a couple dozen shut the fuck up pills and get back to us when you can stop quoting nasty picture chains you stupid fuck.

Jesus Christ, I'm usually not hostile, but COME ON. New pick for January banfest.

Props to the guy in the picture for losing all that weight. Must suck with the excess skin though. I think I watched a special on Discovery Health about him a few months ago.
For all the people going "eww, that's gross"... sorry, but what the fuck do you think happens to people that rapidly lose weight?
The skin doesn't magically disappear... they've got all the skin from when they were fat, and it takes a fair bit of time for it to actually be reabsorbed. A heck of a lot longer if the fat is just removed via something like liposuction.

That being said, the guy would have been pretty muscular underneath, just to carry around all that weight. Getting the excess skin cut off was definitely a good idea, and it shows in that last pic.

Now, if he'd had all that excess skin made into leather and sold it as a suit on eBay, that'd have been gross... and profitable.