Some advice

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Land Lord
Oct 1, 2006
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on the following:

I am in need of cash in real life, the only way I could get some quick is by selling a site of mine.

It's doing about $65 a month just on adsense, from what I can tell you get 10 months revenue when selling a site so $650, not great but not bad for me.

The problem is the site is getting very little traffic, around 2500 Unique visitors a month but a good CRT (over 7%) so with a lot of traffic it should do quite well.

It's showing signs that it's going to start and rank for some more popular keywords, 14,000 searches with overture and allinanchor is at position 7 (actual position is about 300 in G at the mo). I've not had time to actually continue promoting this site so with a little bit of work should get a bit higher.

So... should I try sell it or try and get by for a couple of months and keep the site, that is the question......


I've also thought about asking to have a partner on the site for a 50/50 split of the profit (long as they can actually offer visitors/help rank higher) but not sure if thats a good thing or not?
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The question is how badly you need money right now!
If you financially can manage somehow without selling the site, I definitely should put more time in seo, promoting the site, etc. That way you will have a stable income per month from your site! :)
It's getting quite bad for the money now, I can probably last another 2 months the way things are going at the moment. The biggest down side is my SEO/promotion skills are crap (being honest) so trying to get ranked higher in 2 months seems impossible for me. I can submit to directories ask for link exchanges but it's something that does not seem to work for me (I have another 5 sites as proof :) )
Then I should sell the site if I were you!
Try to sell it for a few hundred dollars more... ;)

By the way, how many web developers do you have on Lanzarote? Probably not many...
Maybe that's another way to make some extra cash the coming time! :)
I made a promise to myself that I will never sell a site again, don't know how long that will last. You should probably sell if it something like bills or food or family, otherwise screw that
What about the idea of getting another person to help out for a share, I've no idea if it's possible, there is a trust thing (both people) and then actually getting someone that is willing to help and actually can?
You can last 2 more months? I don't know your specific circumstances, but I think you could find a way to make that $650 in that time, either online or offline.
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