Solutions for scraping exact match search volume?


Señor Member
Feb 1, 2009
I'm trying to find a clean way to get exact match search volume for evaluating keywords. I'm not advanced enough to manage capcha solving from scratch so I'm hoping to find something in PHP that will get me 90% there.

ubot is an option, but then I've got to mess with importing exporting keyword lists in and out of the database, and running stuff outside cron.

How are you guys doing this?

i know im gonna get flamed, but I feel that the search volume ( based on google kw tool ) is way off a lot of the times.

I dont know anything better, but going off these numbers alone sometimes is misleading
i know im gonna get flamed, but I feel that the search volume ( based on google kw tool ) is way off a lot of the times.

I dont know anything better, but going off these numbers alone sometimes is misleading

Unfortunately it's all we've got. Volume is only a very small piece of the formula, but I think it's useful as a first cut when evaluating keywords.

I was hoping to use estimated adsense clicks as a kind of scaled replacement for search volume. I looked at estimated clicks produced by the adsense traffic estimator and compared those to search volume. They don't really correlate well enough. Google is apparently using different click through rates for each keyword, which makes sense due to quality of search results vs. quality of ads.

register with a captcha service, use their api, no need to decode captchas if it's low volume.

This is the goal, but I'm borderline too dumb to quite hack it all together. I was hoping someone had basically done this. Lately I've been getting by with idiot proof curl to regex to database without much effort.

I may have to just live without it though, as volume may be too high.
Unfortunately it's all we've got. Volume is only a very small piece of the formula, but I think it's useful as a first cut when evaluating keywords.

I was hoping to use estimated adsense clicks as a kind of scaled replacement for search volume. I looked at estimated clicks produced by the adsense traffic estimator and compared those to search volume. They don't really correlate well enough. Google is apparently using different click through rates for each keyword, which makes sense due to quality of search results vs. quality of ads.

This is the goal, but I'm borderline too dumb to quite hack it all together. I was hoping someone had basically done this. Lately I've been getting by with idiot proof curl to regex to database without much effort.

I may have to just live without it though, as volume may be too high.

Decaptcher provides PHP classes for you. Buddy up with cURL and start hacking, you'll figure it out soon enough.
Some interesting stuff over at syndk8 for those following along

Looks like you can reuse the session after a manual capcha break. This would allow you scale up.
I've a script ready to extract exact global search volume, exact local search volume, CPC and related terms including proxy support and decaptcher API. Add me in skype and I'll send it over, no big deal.
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The syndk8 post is a year old. G have redone their Adwords interface, so this might make it outdated now.

If someone has a script that works, please PM me !!
Decaptcher provides PHP classes for you. Buddy up with cURL and start hacking, you'll figure it out soon enough.
Yep. You'd be surprised man. Just start messing with it, fumble your way through and ask questions here...definitely time well spent. I didn't know a damn thing 6 months ago and now I'm building some pretty cool shit. Time to take the next come the constant ruby questions dchuk :)