Solution to wrong AdWords Clickbank Conversion Reporting?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I'm not sure if this is already known but it seems that the new Clickbank Conversion Tracking to AdWords has some problems: I noticed on the 3 products I used Clickbank Conversion Tracking from AdWords on, that Clickbank is reporting "View of a key page" as a conversion which leads to wrong data.

In detail it seems to report if a user is on the order page as a conversion, which of course messes up the whole Adwords conversion tracking, because now Adwords thinks the view of the page is a sale. Clickbank also reports the real conversion.

So this leads to the problem, that you

a) have to seperate conversions inside of adwords, for instance for CPA bidding and cost per conversion & ROI data - is this even possible?


b) remove the "view of the key page" conversion reporting. This can only be done by Clickbank I assume?

Support could not help so far, so I wanted to see if it is a common problem for others too?

Yeah, same here. I assume clickbank triggers the adwords conversion tracking code whenever the visitor goes to the first clickbank payment page (clicks on the "buy it now" button). This means that every sale will be tracked but also clicks that didn't end up with a sale.

This gives me another dimension to the preformace of the campaign.
I started noticing problems when adwords was reporting more conversions than actual clickbank sales. At first I thought it was due to the scheduled maintenance on that day but after reading this I guess not. That's really disappointing that clickbank counts the purchase page view as a conversion because it's totally fucking up my data. True this gives new insights into my campaign though.

I sent an email to clickbank reporting this problem. I'll post the response when I get it.

Does something smell funny to you? Maybe clickbank IS schemin'. Do you think clickbank would ever do something like keep some sales from affiliate's hoping they won't notice? - Just a thought. Probably not.
Alright, thanks cchap, it is supposed to work like this. see Integrated Sales Reporting

The thing is that it is not working with adwords perfectly, if you want to optimize on the conversion data as sales. Which is the way it would make sense. If I optimize on views of a keypage I may end up making no money at all. So you cant really optimize on ROI.

Adwords should let you specify which conversion data is applied to i.e. CPA-bidding.

Easy solution for Clickbank: make the "view of a key page" conversion tracking optional, so affiliate can deselect it and only work with the actual sales.