Solution for common ad delivery issues


New member
Apr 1, 2024
An ad was disapproved or is still in review:
If your ad has been disapproved, make the required changes to the ad (see Edit, clone, or delete an ad for more information). After you save your changes, resubmits the campaign to Facebook for review. You can also choose to submit an appeal to Facebook.

Your ad account has reached its spend limit:
Navigate to your Facebook Ads Manager payment settings to change, remove, or reset your ad account's spend limit.

An image violates the 20% rule:
Use Facebook’s text overlay tool to check your ads, and then make the necessary adjustments.

Your bid is too low:
Facebook delivers ads based on three factors: the bid (what you're willing to pay for the desired action), how likely your audience is to take the desired action, and the relevance and quality of the ad. To resolve this issue: Raise your bid, or switch to lowest cost without a bid cap.

Campaign's budget is too low for the number of running ads:
Let's edit the campaign's budget in the Campaign Details section on the campaign’s dashboard.

Optimization goal is hard to reach:
Edit your optimization goal in the Campaign Details section of your campaign’s dashboard to a more common action.