solid seo company ranking #2 for "seo company" got hacked "check it out"


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Web Space
solid seo company ranking #2 for "seo company" got hacked "check it out"

This is a strong SEO company and i always use a portion of there site "seo health check" and noticed today this crazy shit on the page. The whole site is hacked. Man that sucks you guys should check it out.

The site is

Always saw it rank # 1 -2 for the competitivie term "seo company"

bad ass site and has lots to offer. Sucks that they got hacked like that.

They must be pretty sharp, firstly they've managed to rank that EMD and second their corporate sites obviously been fucked up now for a period of time and it's still live / not fixed.

I hope it gets fixed soon so I can use their awesome services.
When I first started 3 yrs ago i was going to use them but the minimal to get started was $2500 a month and they were bitching to me that this was just barely enough