Softweah to delete (flash)cookies and create new IP?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Does someone know some kind of software to delete all my (flash)cookies and create a new IP?

So that Gurgle thinks im a different user each time i log in to Adwrdz.

I cant acces the modem in this building so cant do that.


If you have a cable modem IP's can be reset by changing the MAC address on your router. Then it will pull a new IP from the cable company for most I've found. Just login to your router, change the MAC. Then unplug the router and cable modem. Plug in the router and let it boot. Then plug in the cable modem and you should have a new IP.

The other I'll let you use google.
with my isp provider, each time i reboot the dsl modem, i get a new ip, one time i was so bored, i kept track, and got 50 different ips after 50 reboots. then got bored of doing that too. so try that. if your isp assigns you a static ip and you don't need it, get a new isp.
Use proxys with the firefox addon (just the addon, dont waste your money on that site their proxies suck big time). The addon is awesome, it can clear cookies, flash cookies and even randomize your user agent.