software - which affiliate script?

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New member
Sep 11, 2006
looking for a good affiliate script to help promote my digital products - I have seen instant split comission

eBay: AFFILIATE PROGRAM Marketing SCRIPT Afilliate Software (item 140101074547 end time Apr-01-07 22:48:46 PDT)

it looks promising and its paypal base, but my issue is the IPN with paypal I use tradebit as my external server for distributing my digitalproducts - and it uses a paypal IPN - I need something where it will not interfere with the IPN but still provide the comission to the other paypal users or provide the product to the customer

any suggestions?

I suggest not buying eBay turnkeys...there are multiple possible legal problems with them (if the licensing is not done right) and, if they are custom-coded, there are often security flaws.

Just my two cents.

Ejunkie - Sell Downloads, Online Shopping Cart provides a super cheap shopping cart service with affilliate program functionality. The pricing is all based on the number of downloadable products you have. The starting level is something like 5 products for $5/ month. Check out my sig, if you want to see it in action (yeah, yeah, the site needs a new paint's coming once some other things get finished).
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