Software/program to remove duplicated keywords

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New member
Jun 10, 2008
Hi i have two lists of keywords about 200 each. I want to remove keywords which are on both lists (duplicated) and use the left over keywords. It would take too long if done manually, so i was wondering if anyone knows of any software or website which allows me to do this.

Throw everything into Excel, sort by keyword... and remove the stuff manually. Doing so takes less time than you have already used writing your question here and waiting for an answer.
cat list1 list2 | sort | uniq

Lol, if he can't use google.. I don't think he uses the penguin

Oh and those with excel 2007..

Revenue Wire. Free and does lots off cool stuff including one-click scrubs.

Are you referring to a 1 click duplicate keyword scrub? Do you have to sign up to the network to use the tools, or do they have some section I'm not seeing..?
Are you referring to a 1 click duplicate keyword scrub? Do you have to sign up to the network to use the tools, or do they have some section I'm not seeing..?

Revenue Wire Keyword Manager

Free beta proggy that slices and dices your keyword lists sweetly. Has a scrub option, just click what you wanna scrub for and presto.

Screw the n00bnetwork unless you really like slinging screensavers and toolbars, just use the prog it's a nice tool.
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