Social Networking Software

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New member
Feb 10, 2007
Anyone know of some Social Networking Software that can be utilized to create a community based on products?

I have looked into HiveLive and Community Server. Anyone know of any others? Also your input on HiveLive and Community Server is welcome as well.


Check out <-- open source

They just released a new version - but the last version was kick ass for black hat networks. Pull in your rss feeds - let others add the "White hat" content :) -- Haven't installed or worked with the new version yet but it looks great.
If you're doing WH go with a premium Ning account. I have traditionally been a PHPFox guy -- I am now on my eighth WH social network, and have two more in the hopper that will be going into dev in the next few months, and I am working the one under dev now into the Ning platform. For $5 a month you get a decent SN site with your own domain. You have to pay extra to remove the ads, obviously, but with so little out of pocket risk. A simple PHPFox install, by contrast can run over $500 after mods and theming. If you're running a basic site and really want to just check the market and get a footprint in it, I'd say go the easiest route possible and try Ning.

Somebody told me that Reddit is open source.

How much server space do you need for one of these? I have a domain for two years and a site plan that differentiates from the others.
If you're doing WH go with a premium Ning account. I have traditionally been a PHPFox guy -- I am now on my eighth WH social network, and have two more in the hopper that will be going into dev in the next few months, and I am working the one under dev now into the Ning platform. For $5 a month you get a decent SN site with your own domain. You have to pay extra to remove the ads, obviously, but with so little out of pocket risk. A simple PHPFox install, by contrast can run over $500 after mods and theming. If you're running a basic site and really want to just check the market and get a footprint in it, I'd say go the easiest route possible and try Ning.


Seconded on Ning. They've really added a lot of new features and continue to do so.
My partner and I have a social network framework we're looking to either license out or sell off. Let me know if you're interested.

Ning is a great alternative. Stark, but great.
drupal, joomla community builder. Although, it will take a lot of modifications. Elgg is also pretty good, their newest version will be released on Nov. 3 if I'm not mistaken.
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