Social Media Post Follow Up app helps you follow up your Facebook group post easily


New member
Feb 8, 2015
We've created Social Media Post Follow Up app for our internal usage only, but we thought Social Media Post Follow Up app is also useful for you too.

That's why we release Social Media Post Follow Up app on Google Play for your usage. It's completely free (but has ads)!

Use case: you have many posts in a lot Facebook groups, and you want to follow up all of them, e.g. update/add comments every 1-2 weeks.... All you need is using our Social Media Post Follow up app for that.
Social Media Post Follow up will export the group post (the URL of the post) that needs to be follow up.

STEP to use the app:
#1. Login to Facebook (you must use the account that you want to query group post that needs to be follow up. Your account won't be saved to local app data and won't be sent to third party too, just for this local web browser control only!). You're secure!
#2. Tap Start button to query suitable posts that need to be follow up.
#3. Wait for the result, any post found will be saved to CSV file

The CSV file will have these columns:
"Link", "Has Comment", "Hast Post", "Latest Comment","Date check"

IMPORTANT NOTES: Please be careful when you reduce the pause between two links because it's easy to get block from Facebook. (but no worries, this is temporarily block from them only, it often takes around 1h)

Here it's: Social Media Post Follow Up - Apps on Google Play