Social Media analysis price range


New member
Jan 10, 2014
Hey guys,
This question most likely does not belong in this thread, but I didn't want to risk infuriating the I played it safe. I hope the right people get to read it here :cool-smiley-008:

The company I work for wants to build some white hat social media signals. We are a home improvement company (we only do window and door replacement, really), and a simple search for our competitors shows that nobody really bothers to do social media. There aren't too many window replacement groups or facebook and pinterest :D.

Anyways, we've been working with an internet marketing company and decided to ask them for a quote. So, here is what they came up with:

In order to move any further , we have to do deep analysis first - $950+tax .

After analysis stage we have 2 options:

1st option:
6 months campaign, first 3 months - $1950/month, 4-6 months - $950/month.

2nd option:
In case you are capable of doing monthly routines by yourself, we can offer:

Strategy $3450 one-time payment

Design of profiles $950 one-time payment.

Now, we are not a fortune 1000 company. We have only just started to spread our wings - going to different cities and provinces (yes, that's right, we call them provinces in Canada!).

Bottom line is, I think this is a rip off and I'd like to hear what some of the OGs around here think. Also, if you have a competitive pricing for a similar "deep analysis", please do share it.

I am assuming the company has a proven track record of success. That said...

The pricing falls into line with legit proposals I have seen. Companies charge wildly different amounts for social campaigns. I just reviewed one that charges $50,000 up front and $150,000 after a couple of months. Of course, they worked on Obama's 1st campaign and many other high profile websites.

I guess what I am saying is the fees are going to be all over the place. Find someone you *trust* that is in your budget and just move forward.
You don't need anything elaborate for a small home improvement company. A $950 analysis to tell you that you are lacking social presence and need a strategy sounds like a complete waste of money and makes me wonder what they charged for your SEO audit/analysis...

Anyways, just hit up this guy: - If he is still taking clients you can get awesome service to cover the basics of social media for about 1/4 of the price without an unnecessary analysis. Then put a little money towards other services, creating other online profiles and updating them occasionally, niche forum profiles, etc.
Hey guys,
This question most likely does not belong in this thread, but I didn't want to risk infuriating the I played it safe. I hope the right people get to read it here :cool-smiley-008:

The company I work for wants to build some white hat social media signals. We are a home improvement company (we only do window and door replacement, really), and a simple search for our competitors shows that nobody really bothers to do social media. There aren't too many window replacement groups or facebook and pinterest :D.

Anyways, we've been working with an internet marketing company and decided to ask them for a quote. So, here is what they came up with:

In order to move any further , we have to do deep analysis first - $950+tax .

After analysis stage we have 2 options:

1st option:
6 months campaign, first 3 months - $1950/month, 4-6 months - $950/month.

2nd option:
In case you are capable of doing monthly routines by yourself, we can offer:

Strategy $3450 one-time payment

Design of profiles $950 one-time payment.

Now, we are not a fortune 1000 company. We have only just started to spread our wings - going to different cities and provinces (yes, that's right, we call them provinces in Canada!).

Bottom line is, I think this is a rip off and I'd like to hear what some of the OGs around here think. Also, if you have a competitive pricing for a similar "deep analysis", please do share it.

Sounds like fairly standard agency rates to me, depending on what's included. As was hinted at before, you can pay anything from $50/mo to $50k/mo. Between those figures is the full range of channels/strategy/tools/paid promotion/etc.

Most marketing agencies/"social media experts" do social media poorly, and just produce activity for the sake of activity. That's of no value to anyone (and is what you'll get typically paying someone $xx-$xxx/mo).

What most companies want is a decent strategy developed and implemented that will help them to engage potential customers. You pay for this.
You don't need anything elaborate for a small home improvement company. A $950 analysis to tell you that you are lacking social presence and need a strategy sounds like a complete waste of money and makes me wonder what they charged for your SEO audit/analysis...

Anyways, just hit up this guy: - If he is still taking clients you can get awesome service to cover the basics of social media for about 1/4 of the price without an unnecessary analysis. Then put a little money towards other services, creating other online profiles and updating them occasionally, niche forum profiles, etc.

Thanks for mentioning this. Just wanted to say I am no longer offering that service (it was a mistake to do so in the first place-oh well), since a couple members asked. I am offering legit social media services starting in the mid- $xxx

The responses here have covered things well. I do have experience seeing how some of these businesses are run, having worked for a decent-sized social media "wholesaler" and later offering similar services myself. Pretty busy now, but might come back to add some more thoughts later.
@OP - are you looking to learn to do this yourself?

If you want some help - feel free to PM me and we can fix up a skype chat.
So this is what I do not understand about this "analysis". What exactly is the social media going to cover? Won't it simply be posting up to T, FB,G? (in other words what hootsuite does) I would agree with mituozo, you pay for engaging people, so why pay 1k for an audit that says your Social Media sucks? If people spent half aas much time on their business profiles, rather than personal FB/T profiles they wouldn't need those SM services!
So this is what I do not understand about this "analysis". What exactly is the social media going to cover? Won't it simply be posting up to T, FB,G? (in other words what hootsuite does) I would agree with mituozo, you pay for engaging people, so why pay 1k for an audit that says your Social Media sucks? If people spent half aas much time on their business profiles, rather than personal FB/T profiles they wouldn't need those SM services!

I've created an infographic for what a "social media deep analysis" entails:

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Probably should have hosted it at a site that allows NSFW. Here's the infographic again:
So this is what I do not understand about this "analysis". What exactly is the social media going to cover? Won't it simply be posting up to T, FB,G? (in other words what hootsuite does) I would agree with mituozo, you pay for engaging people, so why pay 1k for an audit that says your Social Media sucks? If people spent half aas much time on their business profiles, rather than personal FB/T profiles they wouldn't need those SM services!

I would say the prices are inflated, but most people don't have the time to deal with it. A lot of the businesses using providers aren't even web (or even marketing) savvy, let alone know much about social media. They have their hands full doing whatever their actual business is. It's for some of the same reasons people can sell SEO services or whatever here, despite the fact most people here know at least something about it.

Of course, that opens things up for taking advantage of less savvy business people and charging them $xxxx for $xx amount of work. And they just pay it because they don't know what they are getting from it- just that they "need" social media. Like any service, there's a wide variety of what you can get at what price.
Thanks for mentioning this. Just wanted to say I am no longer offering that service (it was a mistake to do so in the first place-oh well), since a couple members asked. I am offering legit social media services starting in the mid- $xxx

The responses here have covered things well. I do have experience seeing how some of these businesses are run, having worked for a decent-sized social media "wholesaler" and later offering similar services myself. Pretty busy now, but might come back to add some more thoughts later.

I got a couple questions today after I posted this. So I just wanted to clarify that if any existing customers have a "grandfathered" plan, there are no changes. I just didn't want a bunch of people getting proposals in the $xxxx-xxxxx range coming to me expecting to pay $xx for higher quality work than what companies are charging a grand for, just because I offered some very limited specials in the past. If you are locked into something, it's business as usual. I've run at least 4 sales threads in multiple BST sections and had an initial STS thread with a lot of views. Add-in multiple skype conversations, PMs, and Emails-My point being that everyone here knows I was offering a super cheap social media service and had a chance to order. I'm going to be focusing things a little differently in the future.