Social Bookmarking & Authority?


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Quick newbie question.

Trying to establish one authoritative blog.

Do you guys think using onlywire to social bookmark every single post that will be published on the blog will do good?

Or should I go for something like

Any opinions would be very much appreciated!:costumed-smiley-087

Not a fan of both and I do things manually first. Try it for a week then create a ubot out of it then put it in a VPS. I'm only using the top 10 BM sites with real people/traffic in it and not every fucking BM sites I see. Better be safe than spend your time removing it in the future right? If your building Authority then that's the best move for me, but that's just me, do whatever you prefer.
Using trashy Social Bookmarks is a good way to destroy the future of your site. They drop off rather quickly and negative link velocity can really bring a site down in rankings. Forget Socialadr and the likes. Bookmark your best content on the Top 10 sites if at all.
Thanks for your opinions guys, I guess it's better to stick with the top 10 ones and just do it manually and naturally.

Find a filipino who can who can do this for $2 so that you can concentrate on your business :)
Dude, I don't know more about onlywire....I suggest you stumbleupon....its the most popular social bookmarking website....

Good Luck!