So who here has a college degree but doing IM anyways!


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I see a lot of dropouts from college pursuing IM.
But, anybody here has a college degree but decided it was worthless anyways and doing IM because it pays a hell lot more than getting an entry level job.

Lol at tags.

Anyway, I'm finishing up my degree soon. It keeps my brain active and there's no reason why you can't do both.
I didn't go to school for work to begin with, I went because I enjoy developing myself and working alongside people with the same values - something you can't get from simply buying and reading books.

Although with free sites like, I see college becoming even more obsolete than it already is. If you haven't already, check it out:
Lol at tags.

Anyway, I'm finishing up my degree soon. It keeps my brain active and there's no reason why you can't do both.

you on one of those special grants only black people get? You know the ones so the college can show how diverse they are.
you on one of those special grants only black people get? You know the ones so the college can show how diverse they are.
Yes, I get $200/semester for being black. The rest of my $13k/semester is paid by a combination of state, school and federal grants (majority) and interest free student loans. I get a check at the beginning of the semester to go here.
I am finishing my Bachelors this May in marketing and a minor in business. I am happy to finally be finishing my studies even though I have no plans to use my degree anywhere.

Do I regret spending four years in college? Not at all. For the few here that actually work their asses off everyday, then stepping away for a few hours to educate yourself on other matters or socialize with people on non-business matters isn't a bad thing.

So many people on this forum speak about school being a complete waste of time, but at the same time many of them work in a half-assed way. They would put in 5-6 hours of work a day, and then spend several hours fucking around on this forum or Youtube. Why not spend those hours in a classroom, reading a text book, work on your social skills? I hate to throw myself into this example, but I have been going to school religiously with good grades, playing division 1 sports, and doing better financially than the vast majority of members here that have all the time in the world.

I have gotten used to tiresome schedule and I know that when I finally graduate this May, I will substitute the time I put aside for school with time for business.
Me 27minutes after I graduated from Full Sail University

I have a degree and still working in medical industry while doing IM.

How can you afford to miss college life? Those were the best days of my life in terms of happiness