Well the first thing I would do - before making any further effort to build the site is determine how to monetize it.
Do a search for the topic in Google and Yahoo. Click on a few ads and see if there are any affiliate programs not listed in the networks you use. Use tools from engines to determine if the search volume is in the hundreds per month or tens of thousands or more...Low volume can be more trouble than it is worth..
If you find no ads - then you might be in trouble, since no one is likely wanting to buy that traffic now.
That also might be a great opportunity - See if you can find an offline merchant that sells that product and be their exclusive online rep.
If there are ads and no affiliate programs, you can look into contacting them directly through "contact us" links to see if they would consider a relationship.
I would also look on Ebay and see if there are good products for the niche. If so, use AuctionAds to display. Problem there can be if the price point is really low you might make pennies per sale. (Upside of that is that if your visitors click and then buy anything within 7 days - you get paid for that..) (also consider Amazon or other mega affiliate programs that might have a related product)
If you still cannot find a way to monetize this, you are left with some sleazy options...Like selling an ebook about the product...or trying to set up some sort of co-reg path around the product...or trying to bait and switch customers...
If the niche is large enough or you have any expertise, you could try to become the expert - set up some forums, build a newsletter list, offer a good blog and news feed dedicated to the topic...build an authority site while noone else is paying attention.
You will not make any money to start with, but in time just about any kind of traffic can be monetized. Look at ShoeMoney, I would guess he started his first cellphone forums without any clear idea of how to make money from them, I would bet it was a hobby he knew something about and then later found a way to win big.
Short of that, it might be worth looking at other niches. No competition is sometimes actually a sign that there is no money to be made...