So I'm thinking about getting my private license


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
So recently I've been thinking a lot about getting my private pilot license, it looks like it would only cost me around $5k for the plane rentals, instructors, and so on.

I've had several ppl suggest that flight simulators help a lot. So my question is, can anyone recommend a good flight simulator? I've heard Microsoft's Simulator X is pretty good.

I've got 2 monitors and plan to get a 3rd one for more viewing space.

5k? You'd be LUCKY to do it for 6k.

Most flight schools make it so you can't do it as fast as you COULD do it. They have stage checks, and peer reviews and all kinds of other trash to keep you in the plane practicing stuff.
What I found is a package that includes 35 hours. I'm not getting instrumental license yet, that's why it may be cheaper.
I'm not sure if rates are drastically different around the US but I paid ~$120 per flying lesson in a Cessna. Training books, pilots log, etc was ~$600. Minimum might be 40hrs, but realistically its closer to 60-70hrs of flight time. Getting use to ground steering with your feet sucks.

You can go to the airport where you'd like to study and probably get up in the air tomorrow. They'll probably even give you your first hour credit toward license, at least they did for me. First time up I quickly made up my mind about the commitment.

I flew about twice a week and practiced controls/take off/landing virtually on MS Flight Sim about 2/3 times a week.

Once you get to know the trainers and private pilots you'll be in a good little club. Some will even let you borrow planes for weekend trips, you just pay fuel. The best part is most small airports have nice restaurants nearby which is great for day trips.

Good luck, hope you go for it.
My first, and subsequently last, fling with piloting.

I have a friend taking training right now. His first dozen times out, the instructor took off and landed and flew them to the training area.

When I got my ticket way back when, at the University of Oklahoma, we were Pilot In Command from the first day, which was scary. However, I soloed at the minimum time and got final check ride at 42 hours.

At the rate my friend is going, I can't see him finishing on time or on budget.

I think they are trying to milk as much money as they can from each student, since I'm sure there isn't a huge amount of people in line for lessons these days.

I got my license over a summer semester. Had one hour of Tennis Class in the early morning and then flew five days a week.

Excellent summer.
I have probably about 2h of flying a twin engine and it just didn't seem very interesting to me. I doubt I'll go on to get my license.
I'd much rather fall out around 14k ;)