So Google Top 10 Contributor For Ron Paul


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Then what the fuck is this


I clicked on news on google with no search parameters, and the republican candidates are top in the news. Look at the related, theres Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Where the hell is Ron Paul?


  • googlenews.jpg
    63 KB · Views: 210

Someone made an interesting point somewhere else, that I actually see as pretty plausible.

It's no doubt that there is a lot of bias on Ron Paul, but here is our biggest problem.

Mainstream media is appealing to what it believes is it's primary demographic, which just happens to be the very people who hate Ron Paul the most.

Sure, we email media with our outrage, post comments on their articles, post tweets pointing out the hypocrisy. But when it comes to joining the information and internet age, the people running the mainstream media still have their horses in the stalls.

If for every biased article we saw, we actually wrote letters and made phone calls to media outlets, local AND national. Media would start putting it together that their ratings are down and they get all these complaints about bias against Ron Paul.

The media is going to give much more weight to phone calls and written complaints. We may own the internet, but the anti Ron Paul demographics without question dominate that territory. We need to take that too if we want to increase our chances to see the media change their bias against Ron Paul.

Right now their ratings and reports show low ratings across the board, they see that the younger crowd doesn't even watch cable news channels (even before this election), and the most noticeable feedback they get is phone calls and written letters from the very people who want Ron Paul out of the race the most. The political influence and political views of the people in charge of cable news is only half of the equation.

So lets change up our tactics, for every comment you write, every tweet you tweet (or even every 5 tweets), every debate you engage in, take equal time to call your local news channels, national news channels, and take equal time to write letters, complaining about Ron Paul's biased coverage.

It's VERY easy to ignore internet stuff, especially for these people.

The SOPA/PIPA blackout worked (kind of, it forced them to change tactics), but blacking out wikipedia and google's logo all those other sites, alone wouldn't have done it. The real results came from the phone calls and protests outside the local offices of representatives supporting the bill.

We have to stop thinking we can change the world from our keyboards. We need to get realistic and start pounding pavement.