So could you Xrumer noobs dial it down a little?


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Just in April 30K spam comments on one site that gets xxx visitors a day.

Coming in at a rate of about 150-175 an hour as we speak.

Talk about pissing in the soup.

Just in April 30K spam comments on one site that gets xxx visitors a day.

Coming in at a rate of about 150-175 an hour as we speak.

Talk about pissing in the soup.

Don't complain if you don't take care of your sites.

Put in something like akismet, bad behavior and maybe change the name of some of your files/take out wordpress tags.

I agree it is annoying, but for the most part we lay in the beds we make.
Yeah, there are many ways to reduce your likelihood of being spammed. However, it would be outing if I said what they are...
Don't complain if you don't take care of your sites.

Put in something like akismet, bad behavior and maybe change the name of some of your files/take out wordpress tags.

I agree it is annoying, but for the most part we lay in the beds we make.

Oh hai Greenleaves, long time you no shit on my threads.

I have Akismet. I fucking had Akismet installed before Obama 1st term. but it's down for some reason. For me anyways.

Looks like I am spending my evening looking for Akismet alternative.

Thx for the love, k'bye
disable all comments. they're not very useful nowadays anyways with social media (i.e., I post the blog post on FB and it gets way more comments there than on the blog post anyway).

disabling comments was one of the best things I did.
Oh hai Greenleaves, long time you no shit on my threads.

I have Akismet. I fucking had Akismet installed before Obama 1st term. but it's down for some reason. For me anyways.

Looks like I am spending my evening looking for Akismet alternative.

Thx for the love, k'bye

I don't remember shitting on your threads. But then again, I do have a life and online banter is way down on the list of things I care about (although it would explain why I have you on ignore)

I will say Akismet is running for me no problem. Maybe you could re-instal and open a new account? Maybe a new update of some other plug in is causing an issue? Maybe you need to update your software. You could, you know, test it and figure it out. I've heard that stuff tends to work. Especially if you isolate when the issue happened and what changes occurred when it happened so you can find correlations and from there figure out causation.

Hell, you could even post a thread saying "Askimet is not working for me, any help?"... Yeah I know, asking for help is way lamer than bitching about the symptoms of your problem without mentioning what the underlying problem is (askimet) and being passive aggressive to those that help.

Anyway, you ranted about a problem, I offered advice to solve it (which by your own admission is good advice); you got angry at my tone.

So I apologize I didn't answer with silk gloves so your dainty little feelings didn't get hurt. But if you look closely, there isn't much reason for getting your panties in a bunch Miss Daisy.

There are forums out there for people with very sensitive feelings who dislike harsh language, boobies, dick rolls and whatnot. Of course, you might be disappointed in the quality of replies, but at least you will be treated like a true little princess.

I don't remember shitting on your threads. But then again, I do have a life and online banter is way down on the list of things I care about (although it would explain why I have you on ignore)

I will say Akismet is running for me no problem. Maybe you could re-instal and open a new account? Maybe a new update of some other plug in is causing an issue? Maybe you need to update your software. You could, you know, test it and figure it out. I've heard that stuff tends to work. Especially if you isolate when the issue happened and what changes occurred when it happened so you can find correlations and from there figure out causation.

Hell, you could even post a thread saying "Askimet is not working for me, any help?"... Yeah I know, asking for help is way lamer than bitching about the symptoms of your problem without mentioning what the underlying problem is (askimet) and being passive aggressive to those that help.

Anyway, you ranted about a problem, I offered advice to solve it (which by your own admission is good advice); you got angry at my tone.

So I apologize I didn't answer with silk gloves so your dainty little feelings didn't get hurt. But if you look closely, there isn't much reason for getting your panties in a bunch Miss Daisy.

There are forums out there for people with very sensitive feelings who dislike harsh language, boobies, dick rolls and whatnot. Of course, you might be disappointed in the quality of replies, but at least you will be treated like a true little princess.


Thank God you have me on ignore so you don't have to listen to my little rants.
Just approve everything and get 30K pieces of free content. Google loves the constant user interaction and it will still be higher quality than Youtube and Yahoo comments.

I'm using this guy now Anti-spam

After upgrading to 3.0 my Akisment stopped working. That's what caused the avalanche of spam.

Had to use wp-optimize to clean out the 30K spam comments, shrunk the database by 75 megs
While everyone bitched - I spammed all your blogs. Couple of things.

1. Stop making comments on your blogs one-click-submits and people will stop Xrumering them.
2. Do you mean you're mad about posted comments or having to empty your moderation queue? Cuz you can't do anything about that other than the solution posted below - people will always scrape/rescrape/reverify old ass lists that your blog will forever be in.

A way to get around people Xrumering your shit is to make a PREVIEW COMMENT option as the only option, and when someone hits preview comment - it refreshes to same page w a POST COMMENT button enabled. Only people who mod Xrumer can get around this - and I know that that's not anyone here. If you are - I'm calling out to you, let's be great together.
