So all of you are spaming facebook, but who is haxoring facebook?


Señor Member
Feb 1, 2009
I'm seeing more and more of these on my legit account (because my friends are retarded). So on top of the usual aps that spam offers on your friend's walls, I'm getting "event invites" which flow to gift card offers. Even with pretty conservative email settings almost everyone is going to get email notification for event invites. Don't pay for clicks, grow viraly.

Anyone doing this? Want to share?

no ones gunna share, its a technique that can make xx,xxx a day if you can scale it that big and still keep your events up.

whats worse i think are the chat spam phishers, my friends from highschool always seem to be hitting me up about their IQ score and how i can't beat them :p
It's me. I'm doing it. PM me if you're willing to give up a % of your revenue for details.
lol obviously no one is going to post up details, I was just curious if you guys where in on this and how it was going.
no ones gunna share, its a technique that can make xx,xxx a day if you can scale it that big and still keep your events up.

whats worse i think are the chat spam phishers, my friends from highschool always seem to be hitting me up about their IQ score and how i can't beat them :p

damn these are mad annoying. get those several times a day.. i assume it's some kind of virus/bot on the PC and it's messaging all logged in users...
Been seeing this a lot lately too.. whoever's doing it must be baaanking.

I'm not doing this, but I do event promotions on Facebook for local, real events. I know that most people don't even read the event description. We recently were giving away free tickets for the first 10 people who post words "I want" on the event wall. About 1000 people said yes/no to the event before we ran out of the give aways. I know for a fact that 3 of those just told their friends about it.

I have a promoter friend and he seems major declines in the event attendance as well. People just don't care much for events these days. It doesn't help that Facebook hides them in order to make $$$ from ads that are nowdays almost necessary to get people to come.
in all honesty, i dont even look in that area of the page on fb..but sounds good though

I believe Facebook is doing this on purpose to extract $ from people doing events. They are giving less and less real estate and removing notifications from events.
Gonna get raped if you're a US citizen and doing this FBML/iframing "like" or whatever stuff. FB will be collecting affiliate links and waiting... think Myspace, think Google, think Oprah. I doubt even 99% of affiliates doing this are clever enough to have dummy affilaite accounts/offshore anon bank accounts/using logless anon VPNs/Using logless anon offshore hosting/using offshore cash paid staff as fall guys...

Perhaps you should give me the techniques to do this for a % of the revenue ;)
I've been getting murdered with these like... self-installing application spam. I had one that I pressed something (just to see what they were promoting) and it posted a message on my wall, installed itself, and invited all my friends to the app. Crazy.