
New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Sniply is a simple tool that helps you drive traffic back to your own website while you share content from all across the web. With Sniply, you can add your own custom call-to-action with every page you share on social media.
Use it for traffic leak bros. Use it for email signups or sending them direct to moneysite/aff links.

Heres a link to the free PRO account (normally $29 per month)


Use it for traffic leak bros. Use it for email signups or sending them direct to moneysite/aff links.

Heres a link to the free PRO account (normally $29 per month)


Do you know of a software like this that can pop an email form on the site that integrates with your email software (Aweber, etc)? I'd like to be able to get the user's info right then and there without having them jump through that extra hoop by clicking through.

Does something like this exist?
Do you know of a software like this that can pop an email form on the site that integrates with your email software (Aweber, etc)? I'd like to be able to get the user's info right then and there without having them jump through that extra hoop by clicking through.

Does something like this exist?

Don't know if there are services offering this, but it wouldn't cost much to have some one build one. is pretty simple in the way it works and as long as you don't intended to have 100 million people clicking links everyday it shouldn't take a decent developer more than a couple of days to build.

Could probably find some one on oDesk or something to do it for $200.

I really like and I'll keep using it but at some stage in the future I'll build my own system so I can modify as when needed.
Don't know if there are services offering this, but it wouldn't cost much to have some one build one. is pretty simple in the way it works and as long as you don't intended to have 100 million people clicking links everyday it shouldn't take a decent developer more than a couple of days to build.

Could probably find some one on oDesk or something to do it for $200.

I really like and I'll keep using it but at some stage in the future I'll build my own system so I can modify as when needed.

How does more clicks from traffic figure into things?
How does more clicks from traffic figure into things?

The developer will have to take the large amount of traffic into account and build a system that scales.

And that won't come cheap if done well.

If you're only processing 1 million clicks a month, it's not going to be a problem.

That's only ~33333 clicks per day, ~1388 per hour, ~23 per minute.

Any half decent server is going to be able to handle those number even if the code was written by a blind monkey with ADHD.

But if the traffic is larger than that, like 100 million per month, that's getting in to territory that needs to scale well.

If it doesn't scale, servers will crash and you wont get traffic, which defeats the purpose.
Do you know of a software like this that can pop an email form on the site that integrates with your email software (Aweber, etc)? I'd like to be able to get the user's info right then and there without having them jump through that extra hoop by clicking through.

Does something like this exist?

Doesn't do it already. Take this example:

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