Snail Mail Advertising for Professionals


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Figured I'd ask a bunch of advertising guys this:

I'm a certified public accountant.

I'm building my own book of business.

I'm sending a mailer to everyone in my address book, homeowner's association, and my wife's mailing list of clients from her business. I'll be sending it out in early January.

I'm bound by professional codes to not do anything sleazy in regards to advertising or I could risk losing my license. I can't say that I'm a better accountant than any other CPA or make it sound like I can do something other CPA's can't.

The mailer will have my picture on it and my companies logo, a quip about how it's tax season and to start watching for important documents with a small list of common tax documents to keep up with, as well as what to start gathering up in order to be ready to submit their taxes.

I also plan on having a list of the different business services my firm offers, with my direct line and the firm's address. Also a small statement to the effect of "If you need help submitting your information to the IRS, I'd be happy to help you with the tax filing process, please feel free to contact me @"

Any suggestions on anything else to include?

(other than tits?)

play on people's fear of the IRS. give a few scenarios of what happens when you try to do taxes yourself or by someone not certified.
I always like conversational mailers that incite fear. Something like this (just whipped this up, feel free to save it for a later campaign):

"Imagine the IRS coming to knock on your door because of a tiny mistake you made on your papers. Would you know what to do? How to explain it to your family? Spending the tax season with that sort of fear is no way to live. You have another option - one that understands how hard you've worked this year. One that recognizes that you and your family deserve to take a break. That option is calling me, JVHorn88. Let me personally alleviate the stress that comes along with tax season. I'll be here for you at 333-3333 whenever you'd like to make a stress-free plan for your taxes."
"Al Capone Was Charged With TAX EVASION, Not Murder Or Racketeering..."

Is Money Making You An Unwitting Criminal? Here Are 7 Steps To Be Sure...

BLAH BLAH (meh).

There are plenty of ways to sell yourself without being unethical or putting down your competition.

- If I'm ever late for a meeting I'll pay you $200 for wasting even a minute of your time.

- Experience/service compared to say H&R block.

- What can you do beyond taxes?

- Fair pricing structure.

- Specialized for certain clients. (It wouldn't be hard to sell me on an accountant who specializes in IMer's/freelancers who spend most of their time traveling).

Sell yourself.

Above all make an offer (Free consultation, etc) with a deadline to respond ("Call before xx/xx/xxxx to claim your limited (free whatever).")

People don't do shit without a clear call to action and a deadline to do it.
1. Definitely SPLIT TEST. Use some sort of tracking code at the bottom of the mailer.

2. Build an email list. Offer them something free (e.g. "10 weird tax tips that you don't know") on a website in exchange for their email. Follow up with periodic emails.

3. Read your junk mail. Got through every flyer, coupon, etc. that you get in the mail. Note the things that get your attention.
+1 on a good free offer such as a free consultation

Also actual real testimonials are good so people feel like others that are like them or in the same boat as them use your service and are comfortable with you.
I always like conversational mailers that incite fear. Something like this (just whipped this up, feel free to save it for a later campaign):

"Imagine the IRS coming to knock on your door because of a tiny mistake you made on your papers. Would you know what to do? How to explain it to your family? Spending the tax season with that sort of fear is no way to live. You have another option - one that understands how hard you've worked this year. One that recognizes that you and your family deserve to take a break. That option is calling me, JVHorn88. Let me personally alleviate the stress that comes along with tax season. I'll be here for you at 333-3333 whenever you'd like to make a stress-free plan for your taxes."

Nice copy! Good luck to you JVHorn88, these guys pretty much gave you all you needed to know.
What are the demographics of your area? Wealthy people or average middle class? With the middle class trying to cut costs as much as they can, i bet a lot more people switch from an accountant to turbotax. Those that never had an accountant will most likely not switch from turbotax to paying an account a couple hundred more upfront.

If you think cost will be an issue, I'd address it head first saying that on average, you save your clients XX% compared to those who used a software program. Explain that even though the upfront cost is higher, the savings are larger. Hell, a random idea I just had was offer a payment plan.... 6 easy payments of $29/mo... blah blah blah.

Random thoughts. Enjoy or discard.

Also, you should read and answer my thread.
other than fear the other option is greed. With your help maybe they can go buy a new ipad/atv/car/boat ect Show them some bs CPA stat that shows avg refund is X% more when using a CPA
Will definitely incorporate some tactics here. Can't do payment plan or adv cheap rates, its against professional conduct rules and/or not in line w company policy.