SMS Help


New member
Apr 26, 2008
I'm sure there is a way to do this.

Here is the deal.

Someone clicks a link on my mobile web page.

The link is formatted as follows - sms:1234

This launches the text option on the handset with the number 1234 preloaded.

My question is - how the hell can you pre populate the body of the SMS? All I want is to make it mega easy for the person to send MYKEWORD to 1234 with one click.

I've looked around the mobile forums and no one is really coming up with the goods.

If anyone knows how to do this post here or hit me up PM.

Happy to pay for answers.

No doesnt work unfortunately

It redirects to the message interface on the iphone like it has sent a message but nothing is actually sent.
Lame, it doesn't looks like passing SMS body contents is currently supported by iOS. I've located their development docs at the following URL to confirm: Loading…