Small or Startup Networks


New member
Sep 2, 2007
I didn't see a thread in here so I thought I would start one.

Anyone have any recommendations on good startup or smaller networks? I'm talking about the networks that have not really established themselves in the industry yet or are just starting out.

For starters, I signed up with EWA network with Ryan and he has been awesome. I am kind of surprised at the amount of offers they are getting for just a startup network and I have run some traffic with them and was paid on time and all my questions answered right away. Ryan is a really cool guy and despite all the stuff that gets posted about him in the forums, he knows what he's doing and he is willing to help you get started and profitable at EWA and since he still runs a lot of stuff himself, he knows what is working and what is not working today, not last year. I really recommend if anyone wants to get started or is looking for a network to at least give EWA a try.

I also joined Yousif's Profit Kings Media network and from talking to him he seems like he really wants to help anyone who signs up with him make some money. I asked him quite a number of questions when I signed up and he answered very quick on AIM and was willing to give out locations for good traffic and what offers are good. In fact, he messaged me a couple times on aim to let me know whats up with offers and traffic sources without me even messaging him on aim for a couple days so he seems to really be on top of things and really wants to get anyone who signs up with PKM profitable.

EWA and PKM are really the only two smaller or startup networks I have experience with besides the big guys that everyone here already knows about.

I was just wondering if anyone else here had any opinions on any of the smaller or startup networks that they would share with us because we should all be familiar with the big guys like Copeac, Hydra, Azoogle and the rest of them but a lot of us don't know too much about the smaller and startup networks. Feel free to share your experiences with the lesser known or startup networks, whether they be good or bad.

I dont hear Market Leverage getting mentioned much around here and I do pretty well them.

My AM is a friendly guy too.

I dont hear Market Leverage getting mentioned much around here and I do pretty well them.

My AM is a friendly guy too.


Yeah, I don't really hear them mentioned much at WickedFire either but I have heard good and bad things about them. Thanks for adding your opinion about them. I was actually going to sign up with them months ago when I was signing up for a lot of networks, they were on my list but I had read a couple negative things about them and didn't submit an application but I will go ahead and sign up, check them out, and give them a chance since you are saying they are good.

I really think a thread like this on the smaller, startup, or networks that are just not mentioned a lot here on WickedFire will benefit us as affiliates and the networks themselves so the more people that reply the better.
Just tap into google reviews of market leverage cpa or some sort, i'm sure there will be plenty of people wanting to give you the low down as well as the high life about them.

It is rather odd I admit that no one really talks about them.

Cheers once again,
Just tap into google reviews of market leverage cpa or some sort, i'm sure there will be plenty of people wanting to give you the low down as well as the high life about them.

It is rather odd I admit that no one really talks about them.

Cheers once again,

I hear you. A couple months ago I was going to apply to about 5-10 networks and ML was on my list but I did see a lot of negative reviews and publicity just to be honest and I did drop them from my list and never applied but hearing from biffo about the network I am going to apply and check them out at least but yeah I search around Google and the other forums before running traffic through a network to see what other people say and at the time (months ago) Market leverage was getting some bad reviews so I never even tried them honestly but I will try them now because of biffos post.

WickedFire has a lot of high ranking affiliates and top earners in the game so it would be in a networks best interest to monitor and stay up to date with this forum. :)

This thread is all about smaller and startup networks really, so us affiliates can know whats out there and whats working for other people. I'm sure there are a lot of smaller or startup networks that are doing really good for people and that's why I made this thread to have people go ahead and say something about them. Everyone here knows about the big guys, so let's start hearing about the small and startup affiliate companies.
In my opinion the reason teh smaller networks don't get much respect is they are often more trouble then they are worth.

It seem an affiliate here get screwed every week because the small network they are working can't afford to pay them.

EWA is a good network but for teh most part people here stick with Copeac, Ads4Dough, C@M etc. because they are reliable.

When you are floating thousands of dollars a week you can't leave it up to chance that RandomSmallNetwork will pay you on time.
We're a pretty small growing network.

I msg'd you a few months back on AIM re: signing upto your network before it was launched and didn't recieve anything back, does this mean your actually accepting affiliates now??
I msg'd you a few months back on AIM re: signing upto your network before it was launched and didn't recieve anything back, does this mean your actually accepting affiliates now??

PM me, I'd like to talk to you about what we have going on.
I know people are afraid of smaller/new networks because there is no track record. But a lot of times these are the best networks. It's more personable and you can tell them what you want and they'll go get it for you. You just put them on a short leash when it comes to payments. They fuck you once you don't go back.