Small, But Interesting Youtube Traffic Casestudy

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Homegrown Hydro
Mar 26, 2008
Was fucking around and checking out an overstaurated real estate niche and I found something pretty interesting. Did a google search on [how to make money in todays real estate market] and found over 2,000,000 results. Ok, who gives a fuck right?

Well the person in the number one spot is NOT a is a youtube video on [how to make money in todays real estate market]

Researching a little further on the youtube site, discovered the guy only made 1 video....10 months ago.

make money in todays real estate market - Google Search

Anyway, I guess the moral of the story is to target those long-tail keywords and start posting some videos related to them on youtube.

Most of you probably already know about this, but I just found it to be interesting

Yeah, youtube videos always seem to rank well in G, and when used right - youtube is a great way to generate traffic.

As far as the SERPs, I have a few keywords I'm trying to rank for but those damn youtube videos are messing it up. ;)
yeah, it really surprised me. I always figured youtube would be a waste of time, but if done properly who knows. I guess it would be a great way to build a list
Nah, it's not a waste of time if done correctly. I upload videos with my funny video site URL watermarked on it. Generates a decent amount of traffic. I sometimes make videos with some babes in bikinis on it, and slap my URL on it. Instant traffic. haha.
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