Sleep Deprivation


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Hey WickedFire. First thread. I searched this and found nothing, so thought it'd be safe. And I'll keep it short and sweet.

I'm in college, working on a double major in Marketing and Math. I'm also working on internet marketing in my spare time (studying = joke). With all that, plus a morning workout, I constantly find myself going to sleep at 3am and waking up five hours later on the weekdays.

When I go home on the weekends, I get more, but never the full 8 hours.

I'm sure with campaigns, PPC, SEO, affiliate marketing, and such, you guys have dealt with little to no sleep for long periods of time. Therefore I ask the masters.

Any ideas on how to stay awake and alert functioning like this, without the use of dangerous* substances (Jack3d, Adderal, etc.)? I take a melatonin at around 2:30am to at least get three full sleep cycles in so I can wake up feeling semi-rested, and not collapse in the doorframe on the way to the shower.

*Dangerous = potential for future retardation.

Thanks for the suggestion. I gave that a try for a bit, but for some reason, no matter what I get it doesn't really help me. I can drink six Starbucks white chocolate truffle espressos and still not feel a bit more energetic.

I'd keep going but I don't want to end up like a friend of mine who was thrown in the hospital for excessive Cortisol in his system, stemming from caffeine overdose as a result of drinking a gallon of black coffee on a bet.

Maybe I should inject it... :)
The best thing I've found to help with waking up is to simply play those brain games. First thing in the morning, I play for like 5-10 minutes and it wakes me straight up. No coffee anymore.

The one I like is
Eat correctly and workout, you will definitely find yourself with much more energy throughout the day (and night). Late night snacks help alot too.
I used to have really bad insomnia, and when I started taking creatine as a workout supplement it really helped limit the effects of the insomnia. I could think much more clearly than before, even when I couldn't sleep at all. It's not a magical solution, but it helped a lot.
Two cups of coffee and I'm usually to hyper to get down to work but it defiantly gives me needed energy. I make it really strong also.
What ever you do, don't fuck around with caffeine pills. You do not want to overdose on those... definitely not a fun experience
Drink 2 or 3 beers and stop and you will fall asleep within the hour. I also fall asleep after reading about 2 pages of a book or magazine if I'm laying down. Whether I get sleep or not, I pound 4 shots of espresso in the morning. It keeps me alert all day and since I don't act lazy throughout the day, I usually tire myself enough to fall asleep right on time at night.

I only started doing this when I got into career mode, however. When I did IM full time, I usually didn't pay any attention to the clock and worked til I passed out. I usually felt like this: "Not now chief, I'm in the fuckin zone!"
What ever you do, don't fuck around with caffeine pills. You do not want to overdose on those... definitely not a fun experience

I don't have an addictive personality, but I keep a stash of No-Doz in the car in case I get caught driving long distances when I'm really tired. One time, I drove about 12 hours straight through the night and would have made it all the way home, saving a hotel stay for the cost of a few no-doz pills, but my girlfriend at the time had to take a mean shit 2 hours away from home and she was too classy to blow up the gas station bathroom. Needless to say, I drove 12 hours hyped up on no-doz through the night, only to have to stop 2 hours away from home and pay to sit in a hotel bed awake because she didn't want any toilet seat diseases. Moral of the story- stay away from caffeine pills, because in the end- you still lose.
What ever you do, don't fuck around with caffeine pills. You do not want to overdose on those... definitely not a fun experience

I had a friend trying em for the firs time cuz he had some deadlines for design work. I told him the exact same thing, next couple of days he was achin, I asked him how many did he take in that one day, and he took something like 20 of em.
For insomnia, the Valerian herb probably works the best (besides the Mary J):

Valerian - it's sort of like benzodiazepine drugs but doesn't give you the morning hangover or lead to addiction.

Valerian (herb) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For Energy, Reishi will give you a good natural boost:

Reishi Mushroom - 1/3 ounce chopped or powdered reishi mushroom, 3 cups water - combine in a pot, boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30min. Lasts 3-days in refrigerator.

Lingzhi mushroom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've heard Peppermint also works to give a little energy boost, while easing anxiety/tension at the same time.
I have never been able to od on caffeine, but my immune levels are probably a lot higher then average.

If you really want energy for cheap just take Ephedrine. Dont take a lot because you will tweak, but its the best <3 (i'd do it every day if it didnt cause muscle distrophy)

Or just do cocaine, i like that too.

Oh and BTW, Jack3d is not dangerous. That thread was a joke.
I have never been able to od on caffeine, but my immune levels are probably a lot higher then average.

The only way you'd OD on caffine is to either have your blood replaced by it, injected straight into your brain, or choke on a massive bag of it.

If you get a shitload in your system you're just extremely irritable, cranky, achy, and so tired it hurts but you can't sleep.
The only way you'd OD on caffine is to either have your blood replaced by it, injected straight into your brain, or choke on a massive bag of it.

If you get a shitload in your system you're just extremely irritable, cranky, achy, and so tired it hurts but you can't sleep.

i didn't think so, just read someone above say they dont want to od on caffiene pills.
I am going to take a different method of addressing this.

Sleep deprivation is a dangerous thing - long term the chemicals in your brain - especially dopamine - can get out of wack. This can lead to depression. I've seen it first hand in my wife when she went through some insomnia related to an illness she had.

No matter what you have heard depression is a physical disease. It is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Sometimes it's permanent, sometimes not. You do NOT want to get into that state though because it's very, very hard to get back to balanced and it can take YEARS.

Instead - ask yourself Napolean Hill's classic question. If staying up late to do these activities is REALLY worth it - what are you willing to give up to be able to do it? There must be something less important in your life that you can quit doing to free up time for this (in college that's called a "relationship" - just hook up like everyone else - trust me, you won't regret it).